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Cryptid Carnivora

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Cryptic Canids
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Peculiar Pinnipeds

Cryptid Carnivora - - - - 2/28/2008 - - - - Hello and welcome to Cryptid Carnivora - - - - If you have a sighting or news article, e-mail me using the address at the bottom of the page - - - - If you have a general question or comment about cryptids, use the above forum - - - -

Welcome to Cryptid Carnivora, the site dedicated to the study and investigation of carnivorous mammals that may or may not exist. This is meant to be a primarily informational site, though a news section is installed, and a message board,and polls may be added later. If you found this site by a link, chances are that I do not have to explain to you what ‘cryptozoology’ or ‘cryptid’ means, but if you found this site via search engine, for example you are probably very confused as to what I am talking about.

First off, cryptozoology is defined as the study of animals whose existence has not been accepted by mainstream science, and a cryptid any defined type of such animal ( Crypto being Latin for “secret” or “hidden”, zoology meaning the study of animals.) To most people new to this subject, this will basically mean the investigation of things such as BigFoot and the Loch Ness Monster.

Now, this is the usual point were many people think ‘Oh, this is that sort of nonsense’ and promptly leave the site. But, you should keep in mind not only the many known animals that were once regarded in the same way, but we do not 'believe' that all cryptids are real, or even most of them, and we investigate them because of the possibility that they may be exist. "Believing" in a cryptid is not what cryptozoology is about, even though many people have convinced themselves a certain cryptid exists. Cryptozoology studies what an animal might be. No animal, regardless of plausibility, number of sightings, professional investigation and photographs, can be considered ‘real’ until a specimen is secured. Some people have it drilled into there heads that killing an animal to prove its existence is ‘wrong’, but there is no other way it can be done. Going off of that statement, suggested methods for collecting are welcomed on the forums. Before moving on, it is also important to define cryptozoology from other alternative sciences, namely the metaphysical paranormal. Cryptozoologists typically study animals under the presumption that they are real, living, breathing, physically possible, flesh-and-blood members of the animal kingdom. This has caused tension between researchers, but has the benefit in that some cryptids may actually be proven real.

This site is meant mainly to categorize and condense information on the types of cryptids already mentioned, including descriptions, main theories and explanations, and probability of being proven. Cryptids are divided into sections according to there general description, due to the fact that it is impossible to determine an animal’s classification without a specimen, so some animals with similar general morphology (such as dogs Canidea and hyenas Hyaenidea)will be lumped together. Pinnipeds (seals and relatives) are particularly difficult, due to the semi-popular theory that some sightings of long-necked sea and lake monsters may be due to unrecognized species of long-necked sea lions. ‘Killer otters’, rarely sighted but found in many legends, will be classified as mustelids for simplicities sake, as will anything vaguely otter-like, bader-like or weasel-like, even when the culprit is more likely a civet (vivverid) or mongoose (herpestid). Marsupials will be classified wherever it seems appropriate, despite that the Queensland tiger is more catlike, and Thylacine, whose taxonomy is known, is more doglike. Other categories may be added later if deemed appropriate.

If you would like to ask a question, inform me of a new cryptid, refer information, have a sighting posted, or have me post an internet news article,or just say 'hi', e-mail me at the address at the bottom of the page. When informing of a yet-unlisted cryptid, please list references, internet sites or books, so that I may double-check information. The same goes for news articles. This site is not intended to list all theories, or include all sightings, or all descriptions. However, we do welcome obscure cryptids (as less-sighted and remotely located cryptids are more likely to exist) and will be happy to list even the most boring and least-sighted animals.
