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  Defining who we are from the land of the Great Malayan Dr. Jose Rizal

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The Pearl of the Orient Seas



"Therefore, the primary cause of poverty is not overpopulation of the Philippines! It's because our country is overpopulated with corrupt officials. Work like you don't have money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like no one's watching."  Fr. Ed Panlilio (Catholic Priest) - Governor of the Province of Pampanga

I'm 100% sure that this income disparity is being replicated in almost all of the provinces in the Philippines . If we had more Ed Panlilios in our government, we would be just like Singapore in a short time. Read on......

We hope we are witnessing what will be a sustained revolution in good governance in the
Province of Pampanga , under its newly elected governor, Fr. Ed Panlilio. 
According to the Philippine Daily Inquirer of August 26, only one month after Fr. Panlilio assumed his gubernatorial duties, the province's income from the quarrying of volcanic ash from
Mount Pinatubo had reached P29.4 million. (Haulers pay a fee of P300 per truck of volcanic ash that they haul from the quarry.) By contrast, during his predecessor Mark Lapid's term as governor, the province's income from the same quarrying operations amounted to only P29 million a year. This gaping variation in official incomes from the same activity should inspire a new set of textbooks in Arithmetic, especially for the school children of Pampanga. There is nothing like local color and local situations to cultivate comprehension in young minds. Sample problems: If Fr. Ed's provincial government can collect P29.4 million in 26 days (we assume no quarrying on Sundays), how much does it collect in one day? Answer: An average of P1.130 million. If Fr. Ed's provincial government collects an average of P1.130 million a day from quarrying operations, how much can it collect in one year of 313 days (365 days less 52 Sundays)? Answer: P353, 690,000, or P354 million. If Fr. Ed's provincial government can collect P354 million a year, and Mark Lapid's provincial government collected only P29 million a year, what is the difference in their official yearly collections? Answer: P325 million a year. If Mark Lapid was governor for four years and his provincial government's annual collections from quarrying amounted to an average of P29 million, how much did his provincial govt. officially collect in four years? Answer: P116 million. If Fr. Ed manages to remain as provincial governor for four years, and his provincial government's annual collection from quarrying were to average P354 million, how much will his provincial government collect in four years? Answer: P1.416 billion. What is the difference between P1.416 billion and P116 million? Answer: P1.3 billion.  Where did this P1.3 billion go? Answer: Only God and the Lapids know. ('Lapids' is in plural because Mark, as a second-generation political dynast, succeeded his own father, now Sen. Lito Lapid. We don't know how much Lito's provincial government officially collected from quarrying operations during his watch. Should be a good investigative project for media.) If Gawad Kalinga spends an average of P75,000 per low cost house, how many low-cost houses can P1.3 billion build? Answer: 17,333 low-cost houses. If the average Pampanga family were to consist of five persons (father, mother, three children), how many people would be benefited by 17,333 low-cost houses? Answer: 86,665 persons.

American Express


End of Arithmetic lesson.

Fr. Ed is to be congratulated for setting a high benchmark for collection from quarrying operations against which his predecessors have a moral obligation to explain why their collections were so low, and against which future governors will be judged by the people of Pampanga. Volcanic ash, by the way, is a superior building material. Many of the buildings, aqueducts & monuments of the Roman Empire that have survived for almost 2,000 years are known to have been built w/ volcanic ash, quarried from the environs of Mount Vesuvius after it erupted in 79 AD. We don't expect Fr.Ed's moral victory in Pampanga to be remembered for the next 2,000yrs. We would be happy with five, ten or 20 years, enough, we hope, to spawn a moral-revolution- by- example to save the Filipinos from their worst enemies - themselves. This article was a dispatch from one of the most accomplished Filipino medical doctors in the United States, a celebrated cardiac surgeon in the State of Indiana who also recently received a very prestigious Outstanding Family Award from
PEACE (USA) on June 14th (2008)  in Atlantic City, Dr. Philip S. Chua


Why Project Smile? Because we cannot think of where to start in order to tell our people who we really are. There are lots of experts, historians and pundits within us that must have forgotten that most of those left behind are questioning why we are still in dire need of help where happiness is spelled “FOOD”. Yes, we are hungry, and those who are ahead will never think they should care because they are different, the same as those who born us with a magic wand and declared we are all alright and on our way to prosperity and independence.

Those bastards we called heroes told us all bullshits… Yes, we won the revolution from Spain , we beat them in the war with machetes against their guns and canons, due to inspiration they got from Jose Rizal, unbeknownst to them that we were handed on a silver plate to the Americans together with Puerto Rico for $20 million under the Treaty of Paris of 1898. Rizal was opposed to revolution  that he said ”the servants of today will be the tyrants of tomorrow”. And that’s exactly where we are since then. A country run by either hoodlums, hooligans, corruptors, gunslingers, con artist, scammers and all of the above without exception because the system is well embedded in our blood since the lies our forefathers told us..

So, can we really just eradicate and stop corruption in our country? The answer is no!!!… No matter what we do…. stage a revolution or people power protest , we are still going to get the same bastards who took our country to the ground…from Aguinaldo, Quezon, Ramon Magsaysay, the killer and the biggest thief in the world Ferdinand E. Marcos and his wife Imelda, Cory Aquino, Joseph Estrada, Gloria Arroyo, and those I cannot remember. Imagine our country in the 21st century full of very educated and intellectual people still begging for food from Uncle Sam and those developed countries around the world? What a pity!

So, project SMILE would help us  think of what we really have to do to change the system bit by bit not for our children anymore but for our grandchildren for it will take some time to straighten the mistakes that those bastards started since the time we called ourselves Filipinos. Even our hero Jose Rizal, thought he was different until he got into Spain, to find out that after all he is still considered one of us… an “Indio’, from del islas las Filipinas, and that’s a lot better than name attributed to us…Before that we were called Indios del islas  del ladrones (thieves). The Filipino name was born after Rizal came back from Europe . Our historians may have different versions on how we became Filipinos but that’s not what’s important.

We are ethnically divided people….with dual personality, superior complex on our own and inferior to the whites. I am sure lots of you would shout to the top of your lungs “NO – NO -  NO - NO”, and say, “  am different”… that’s exactly what’s wrong with us, which happened to Jose Rizal, before Europe. We are all the same Indios (not idiots) from del isles las Filipinas.

So, whenever you see those Indios where you are... “Smile”, because in a matter of time majority of us could work together for a common goal of making ourselves great again, proud that we came from the land where the Great Malayan was born, Jose Rizal, our very own hero for without him there’s no way of knowing who we really are.

Delta Air Lines

The Filipino

What can we do and how can we help our people in need, that's exactly the reason why we got this website on line. So, we need everybody's participation, after all, we are all Malayans... Part of the proceeds in this venture will be donated to NGOs here, overseas and back home. Just watch us.... we are in the position to make the difference because it's been more than thirty years that the original article 'Philippines My Philippines" was born, due to the imposition of a dictatorial regime, by a corrupt and murderous politician named Ferdinand E. Marcos, who never paid for the crime he committed against us... the Filipino.

American Express

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 American Express



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