The Montreal Tribune

  Informative, Innovative & Truthful


Why We Are Proud To Say Montreal  Is The Best City In The World

Montreal was voted for three consecutive years as the best city in the world, by several leading travel publications both in the US and Europe. The city has so many things to offer that major cities anywhere doesn’t have, especially on entertainment.

There are many elements that described the distinction of Montreal as a major Metropolis, compared to other cities in the world. It has a small town like atmosphere despite its size, which is not found anywhere. It is not an intimidating place, but very humble in many ways.

Downtown Montreal is where all the action takes place. The downtown core is divided into two (2) distinct neighborhoods… the West (English), and East (French), divided right in the middle of the very famous St. Lawrence Boulevard, that old timers used to call “The Main”.

Montreal is a bilingual city as well as a melting pot for the different nationalities that comes from around the world. The people are friendly and hospitable. It is a place where you can walk late at night without fear…. the safest place to live.

The ambiance is unique, partly due to French, and the multi-cultural influences. Restaurants and shops are amongst the best in the world with the best facilities from A to Z. The transportation system including the Metro (underground subway), is easily accessible and the cheapest way to travel around town. The Metro connects numerous underground shopping malls to different parts of the city, open through out the year.

During the summer months the city comes alive starting with the roar of Formula One car race in June, followed by the famous Jazz and the Just for Laugh Festivals in July. The entire summer months are filled with different activities, and concerts are back to back. There are plenty of activities to fill your time.

Montreal has one of the richest histories in North America. The story of the past comes animated when you visit Old Montreal.

We are proud of our city, promoting it to the rest of the world is our goal. The Montreal Tribune is currently being viewed by visitors from more than 120 countries (around the world) with millions of hits since publishing in the net. The Montreal Tribune was founded in 1990, to serve the Needletrade Industry of Montreal, which at that time leads North America as the Fashion Capital of the Western Hemisphere.

Welcome to Montreal, this invitation is open to all…..view our site and learn more about us. We value your opinions and suggestions. Please use the FEEDBACK links, thanks and enjoy. Conrad David Brillantes or


Why I Love Montreal

(And almost everyone whose ever been here)

By Martin Stone

It’s not just the Jazz Festival, the Comedy Festival, Fringe Festival or the Film Festival. Its beyond the African, Caribbean, Asian and Italian festivals. It’s not only the rich and colourful nightlife. It’s more than just the mountain in the middle of the city and the spacious parklands sprinkled
through every part of the urban landscape. It’s in addition to the Formula One Grand Prix, the international tennis championships and the global fireworks competition. It’s all those things and more - much more.

In a word, it's the ambiance.

The flavor of Montreal is unique. It's a bilingual, multicultural, international, cosmopolitan metropolis that exudes a feeling of freedom, liberation and joie de vivre.

In a nutshell that explains why our festivals are so much fun. They are safe. Hundreds of thousands of people, locals and visitors alike, cram our summer streets to enjoy the sounds of jazz and blues and rock ‘n roll, to gambol in the hilarity created by many of the world's funniest comedians. They stand shoulder-to-shoulder and cheek-by-jowl to view presentations from the leading edge of theatre. They sit in darkened bijous to watch the pick of the year's cinematic production unfold on silver screens. And they enjoy each other's company.

There is a relaxed feeling in the streets. Townies and tourists walk side-by-side unafraid. They visit bars, nightclubs and restaurants, gaze in awe at the churches and cathedrals, marvel at the unique architecture, stroll the historic waterfront - and they are unafraid.

I love Montreal because I am free to be myself. Montrealers love characters and are not fearful of using imagination in their personal dress and fashion. Montrealers encourage creativity and are bored by tedious mediocrity. They love to express themselves. They love to be themselves. They feel, act and enjoy an almost unheard-of elsewhere sense of freedom and they extend that
fortuity to those around them.

Montreal features some of the world's finest and most diverse restaurants. We abound in entertainment venues of almost every type. Our streets are well-kept and our parks are planted with a vast variety of verdure. I love that about this city and I feast on it daily.

But what I love most is the sense of liberty, emancipation, and independence. I have also enjoyed many or all of those treasures in some of the world's other fine cities. But nowhere have I ever felt it so much a part of my lifestyle as here.

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