The Montreal Tribune

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New Publication

Dairy-farm Equipment
     Complete text - version .pdf (288 K)
     (Date of modification: 2002/07/16)
High-technology Medical Equipment
     Complete text - version .pdf (332 K)
     (Date of modification: 2002/07/15)
Medical Equipment
     Complete text - version .pdf (302 K)
     (Date of modification: 2002/07/15)
Outdoor-sports Apparel
     Complete text - version .pdf (316 K)
     (Date of modification: 2002/07/15)
Women's apparel
     Complete text - version .pdf (308 K)
     (Date of modification: 2002/07/15)
New Trends in the Organization of Public Services: The Emerging Role of Not-For-Profit Intermediary Groups
     Complete text - version .pdf (359 K)
Profile of Quebec Self-Employed Workers
     Complete text - version .pdf (429 K)
Quebec Economy, Analysis of Trends
     Complete text - version .pdf (5029 K)
Quebec Local and Regional Development Funds
     Complete text - version .pdf (1340 K)
Socio-economic profiles of Quebec regions
State of the Economy at Glance
Survey on the Role of Government in Economic Development
     Complete text - version .pdf (737 K)

Market Studies By Geographical Location 

Conducted by the École des Hautes Études Commerciales for Canada Economic Development



Market Studies By Area of Activity

Conducted by the École des Hautes Études Commerciales for Canada Economic Development

Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
Aerospace and Defence
Agricultural Equipment
Apparel Industry
Arts and Cultural Industries
Construction material
Electrical Energy

Food Industry
Forestry Industry
Handicraft and Giftware Sector
Health Industries
Information Technology
Mining Industry
Sporting Goods Industry

Economic Publications


19/07/2002 - The Periphery in the Knowledge Economy - The Spatial Dynamics of the Canadian Economy and the Future of Non-Metropolitan Regions in Quebec and the Atlantic Provinces Summary

Best Practices Information Society

Complete text - version Asp

Electronic Business - Trends and Issues for Quebec SME


Complete text - version .pdf (3730 K)

Emerging regional practices in support of SME innovation

Complete text - version .pdf (222 K)

Funding and innovation in SMEs: (only available in French)

Complete text - version .pdf (754 K)

Globalization and the innovative SME- Synthesis Report (only available in French)

Complete text - version .pdf (789 K)

High-growth SMEs

Complete text - version .pdf (594 K)

Knowledge institutions and SMEs - Developing synergy (in French only)

Complete text - version .pdf (708 K)

Les besoins et attentes en services-conseils de la PME au Québec (French only)

Complete text - version .PDF (195 K)

Les groupes intermédiaires et l'organisation des services aux entreprises (in French only)

Complete text - version .pdf (474 K)

Mandate and mission

Complete text - version .pdf (162 K)

Mastering the new rules of the game in the information society: An acculturation challenge for rural enterprises and their support communities

Complete text - version .pdf (771 K)

Nouveaux modèles de collaboration pour la prestation des services


Rural community participation in the information society

Complete text - version Asp

Stimuler l'innovation par le développement de milieux créateurs (in French only)

Complete text - version .pdf (477 K)

Survey of consulting services and SMEs (partnership with Order of Certified Administrators) (only available in French)

Complete text - version .PDF (195 K)

Survey on conversion to NICT by Quebec enterprises (partnership with CEFRIO) (only available in French)


The Economic Development of Montreal

Complete text - version .pdf (604 K)

New Trends in the Organisation of Public Services: The Emerging Role of Not-For-Profit Intermediary Groups

     Complete text - version .pdf (359 K)
Profile of Quebec Self-Employed Workers
     Complete text - version .pdf (429 K)
Quebec Economy, Analysis of Trends
     Complete text - version .pdf (5029 K)
Quebec Local and Regional Development Funds
     Complete text - version .pdf (1340 K)
Socio-economic profiles of Quebec regions
State of the Economy at Glance
Survey on the Role of Government in Economic Development
     Complete text - version .pdf (737 K)


Canadian Fashion & Textile Buyers Guide

IF YOU ARE IN THE TEXTILE AND GARMENT BUSINESS LOOKING FOR BUYERS IN CANADA Order your copy NOW of the NEW 2014  up-dated version or current listing of the Canadian Garment and Textile Buyers Guide and Industry Textile Book (fabric identification in dictionary form) are available at US$50 per copy

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