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  • Spaghetti with octopus sauce (Spaghetti biz-zalza tal-Qarnit )

  • Indredients

  • 1kg Octopus
    224g onions
    168g peas
    224g tomatoes
    112g black olives
    250ml red wine
    674g spaghetti
    84g tomato paste
    lemon zest
    olive oil
    salt and pepper

  • Method

  • Peel and slice the onions. Cut the octupus into even sized pieces
    fry in a little oil and water till tender
    Add the tomato paste and herbs, continue cooking for about 20 minutes on low flame
    Meanwhile prepare the sauce by peeling the tomatoes and chopping them finely,Fry the onions in a pan till soft
    Strain the octopus but save the liquid. Slice the olives and lemon zest. Add all remaining ingredients to the first mixture and simmer for a while. Add the octupus liquid and simmer for another 15 minutes.
  • Cook spaghetti for not more than 7 minutes or till it is al dente Pour octupus sauce over the spaghetti and serve hot
  • Topped with parpeasan cheese

  • Email
