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I am an eclectic solitary Witch, born and raised in Georgia, but now making Montana my home. My chosen path is a blend of Keltic Witchcraft, Wicca with elements of Western Qabbalistic magickal practices. My patron Goddess is Lady Habondia in her triple aspect of Maiden, Mother and Crone. My patron God is her consort, Lord Kernunnos. They are Earth Mother and Sky Father. The yearly cycle of life, death and rebirth is followed. The Goddess and God are equal and complimentary, as this maintains balance. I believe to favor one over the other is to create an unbalanced condition which is a shortcoming of many religions. Please understand, this is my path. Everyone should be open to new experiences and new levels of understanding.

I have taken the name Vitiris Prytani. Prytani is one of the names of the indigenous people of Great Britain, particularly Scotland. The Prytani pre-dated both the Druids and Kelts, and were called Picts by the Romans. Vitiris is another name for Lord Kernunnos as God of Wisdom. I think that this is appropriate for me since this Path is a continual learning experience and also since my heritage is a mixture of Scottish and English.

I am a single father of two beautiful children, both now grown (yes, I have the gray hairs to prove it), and now a grandfather as of August 29, 2005! My upbringing was very conservative and traditional. My father was an Episcopal minister and every Sunday was spent in church. My introduction to Witchcraft first came through the reading of several books, then I also had the good fortune to meet and become friends with a young lady who was raised within the Craft from birth. She taught me, and I discovered for myself, that Wicca is a true celebration of life. Even though I knew deep inside that I had found my Path, due to my upbringing, I was faced with a severe conflict in trying to reconcile myself to this fact. This problem was only aggrevated by my family's non-acceptance. It took a lot of time and many years to fully resolve these issues.

I am glad I persevered. The Goddess and God have brought happiness and joy into my life. Even though I am a solitary practitioner, I have never felt alone since dedicating myself to Them and to the Craft. I also feel that it is time to expand my horizons. Hence, my first attempt at a web site. This will improve over time (hopefully).

I've always believed that it helps to know something about the site author. Should you wish, please e-mail me, or sign my guestbook. I enjoy hearing from others.

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