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A Few Words on REAL UFOs What is a UFO? In reality, those letters stand for "Unidentified Flying Object." In the broad sense, the term denotes any object in the sky which cannot be clearly identified. We all know this, of course... But in a narrower, more defined sense, it has undeniably come to mean an unknown aircraft, vessel, even an "alien" spaceship. Let's face it folks, most "UFO sightings" could be anything from a paper bag flying through the air to the planet Venus. And those are the daylight sightings, of course. Night sightings are usually even more questionable, and generally consist of nothing more than "lights in the sky." The vast majority of UFO sightings leave no traces, no evidence of existence; they cannot be corroborated through official documentation, nor can they be verified through any means other than a mere cryptic report from a lone individual. Because of the above, we must put most reports, even from people that we trust, into a questionable category. They remain questionable for a myriad of reasons, including the possibility of misidentification of mundane objects or aircraft, embellishment of the actual occurrence (even if not intentional), and the propensity for some to simply spin a good tale. For our purposes in this section, almost all reports or cases cannot fall into the category of "REAL UFOS." To qualify as a "REAL UFO," the criteria are strict and hard. Corroboration of a particular event must meet some stiff requirements, to be included. These would encompass at least some of the following: Unquestioned photographic/video/audio evidence Corroborating eyewitness testimony from government and military personnel Official documentation, including sources of that documentation Measurable and unquestionable physical evidence Official flight tracking data, including sources of that data To have made it into this section of our site, questions about a particular sighting or event were proposed and measured against the above criteria. As one might imagine, most cases would not make it this far. Even the fabled Roswell incident has too many unanswered questions and points of obfuscation to qualify for this area. But some events DO qualify... Herein, we present what we believe to be some of the best cases, some meeting all of the above criteria, of REAL UFOs.