Stinky's Box
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Stinky's Box


That's french for hello. I think. Anyway, welcome to stinky's rundown box Try to have some fun, but please don't impose, or tell me about my speling mistakes. Not unless you really want to. (HINT)So kick back, relax, and have a couple huck yuks.

Here is a little MIDI for all my guests. I found some U2!!! WOOHOO!! I will have some more U2 next week...or some time soon. Enjoy!!

Here it is, have fun.


What do I do for fun???

STINKY'S stuff

Be on the lookout for refinements!!

A little gift just for entering.

A word to think about. Straight from stinky's constantlymoving, pea sized brain.

Eat your BEANS they tast like candy, and smell even better.

If this makes no sense to you, don't worry. I haven't the foggiest about what I just wrote.

Time to winterize the old box again.

Please feal free to sign my guest book

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There have been this many people

that stoped by since the 28th of October, 1997.

Look at all the awards I have!!

Oh wait, I just might have something here??? Give it a looksie. Please

Family-Friendly Site

Yeah!! My first webring. Check it out.

This David Register's Anything Webring site is owned
by stinky.

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you know, that club thing

Bradys place-he is one of my friends.
Brady's new homepage.
Stumpy's old apartment, I think it's great
Ann's place-very nice place
The land of spanky.
like U2?? Then go here.
imandi Rewards: earn up to $25,000 referring friends
The land of Braindead.
This is The Bigmoutain, where I go boarding. Give it a look.

It's working!!!! WOOHOO!!! Maybe I can get some things done on this thing. If I get enough time.

CAUTION: sharp pokey thing!