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The Living Scroll of Timeless Earth

Angels of The Light * Prophecies by Naomi * The Seven Thunders * Wahkeetah Remembers * Gabriel
Ascension of Earth ** The Seal is Broken * Seeking Sanctuary * Drums of Thunder * Keys to The Kingdom

A renaissance is occurring in mankind's search for wisdom. The revelation of ancient mysteries, And thoughts of lost secrets unfolding, Delights the mind, enticing the soul to continue this relentless quest. Mysteries loom on the horizon, luring the seeker ever deeper into steep terrains of the unknown. "Unsolved mysteries", created from questions posed by inquisitive minds, acts as an aphrodisiac, Alerting erotic theories to emerge from the deepest crevices of the seeker's consciousness. These erotic theories emerge, then dangle like an unfinished sentence, Taunting the very core of our understanding, invoking us into precarious vicissitudes, Merely to quench our thirst for knowledge. Awareness becomes wanton, No longer able to sustain it's position in the realm of familiar thought. Daring to cross over the sea of exploration and walk the shores
of mystery, We; the Curious; the Inquisitive; The evolving psyche of humanity;
Journey now on the path of enlightenment. We invite those minds likewise inclined
To journey with us and discover together,

Naomi Waters.

In ancient days, when hearts were bold,
And courage burned to meet the foe,
The wandering bard his story told
To eager listeners, young and old,
Of deeds heroic, life sublime,
And gods and humans mighty all,
Till, swept by passion's fiery flow
His soul was lost to space or time
And theirs in valor's clarion call.

We wonder not the leaping words-
The syllables that lilted sweet-
Or the fierce breath that red blood curds--
Or the one Name dark awe engirds,
Should bind men to the singer's will,
Resounding through the windy hall,
Or answered from the wolf's retreat:-
The singer lost in passions skill,
The listeners swept by valor's call.

The song was like to gold a-melt;
The voice a diamond pen to write;
And souls were wax: the story , felt,
It burned, and left, then, scar and welt
For love and altar, home and friend.
Oh, long the singer's woven thrall!
And high the story's growing might!
His heart in Iliad or in Zend,
And theirs alost in valor's call.

This is the Tale of Memory,
The living scroll of timeless earth.
Sung to the air; writ facilely
In spirits eager thrilled to be
By love and battle, home and Book;-
Responsive ever to the worth
Of Life, our Bard. All hail his thrall!
For in his passion's voice and look
We learn high valor's clarion call.
-by Frank Channing Haddock, Ph.D.


Stand in the east country and face the sunrise.
Out of the great darkness came the grandfathers
Riding on waves of water and air...
Big smoke filled the land...
The sky wept flames of fire and earth.
The earth rose, heaving and sighing
To greet the stars of heaven.
One moment they touched......
The next moment, the earth fell as a great wave of water
Dashing into the rocks.
The Great Sun fell dark and silent
While Mother Earth moaned in agony,
Crying out to the stars that dased down
To grasp her tears.
Oceans of water reached up to touch
The watery fire from the sky...
Ocean and sky became One...
Bathed in the moon's tears of blood.
Ash and stone fell with a great noise.
The Spirits cried out with The Great Thunder...
All the Winds of Heaven roared...
Then silence fell with a great noise
As the stars left their places one by one...
To make way for the Sun
To move her from her grand place in the Sky.
The Sun retreated, bringing silence and darkness.
The earth filled with a great violent storm....
Then fell into a timeless Hush
And left the Fathers blinded without a light to find their home.
The Grandfathers drifted aimlessly upon the fire and water.
A deep sleep closed the eyes to all who lived on the Earth.
In silence, the stillness held them......
Forever with no memory....
Just a vague remembering in the spirits of the Fathers
Of the time The Great Dark began.