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Welcome to the Link Page . All the sites seen are worthy in my standards to be listed.

Hey you! Yeah you! You want your site to be linked with mine? Well, it can be a Descent Site or another Gaming Site. Any gaming site! No banners please. Just e-mail me and tell me where I can find your site. If it's within limits (i.e. Nothing higher then 'PG', maybe PG-13) and I'll post it. Well, for now, just browse the links...

I have no Descent Sites in my links. Descent Site owners! Contact me, or I'll just ask you.

Other Gaming Sites

The domain of NetRaptor!
Shax the Raptor Virtual Den
Mute Island

Offical Developer Sites

Interplay Productions
Parallax Software
Official Descent 1 Site
Official Descent 2 Site
Official Descent 3 Site
Official Descent 4 Site
Official Freespace Site