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Feb. 28th, 2000. - UtenaSama's second High Curried Trip...

Okay, so here I was, sitting at the computer, wasting valuable study time bidding on needless J-Pop CDs (OH the blashphemy in saying J-Pop CDs are needless), working on my family's death problem, thinking about selling the house and where to go afterwards, and also working on my plans for foriegn exchange to Sendai, Japan this comming summer semester,

...when all of the sudden I see this e-mail.

A JOIN e-mail, for the Mailing List.

It said, "I want to join, and is your nickname really Utuna?"


Okay, first off, no one can call me that but my loyal subject Oni who thought of the name a loooong time ago. Second, who the hell is this person, what does he/she want, and how do they even KNOW this name? So I respond, as I usually do, and ask how they know this name.


All of sudden I get this IM out of nowhere from some evil prick named SeiyaKou2Heart.

I was like, who the hell are you????

And he/she asked me about the name, I didn't respond, instead kept asking about his/her identity...

anyway, it escalated into this bizarre personal knowledge quiz.

Finally, this jerkoff says "It is true you were raped?"


And the world just fucking froze. As if the first five years I dealt with this were not enough without some shit-for-brains 19yr old (which I just found out about today thanks to the crack detective work of my lovable VP) annonymously IMing me about it!

So I lose it...

and now boys and girls... the CONVO!

**(feel free to send me comments about it, or just stare in awe at his 19 year old stupidity)**

Oh, after this IM stopped, he followed me into the Anime room where my staff and friends were disscussing his possible identity, which is why he refers to the room towards the end. Also, he then accused me of being a lesbian.

"Yes Senator McCarthy, I like to lick girls, and no, I am not a Communist. Now back the fuck off."

Enjoy. -UtenaSama

SeiyaKou 2Heart: Sorry if I caused you any trouble.

SeiyaKou 2Heart: May I ask you another question?

RvGrIUtena: Leck causes his own, and he wouldn't hype my ML if he was paid too. He was fired from the staff.

SeiyaKou 2Heart: Yowch

SeiyaKou 2Heart: Maybe it was a different Leck. There are supposed to be about a dozen different ones

RvGrIUtena: No, only one Leck I know of.

SeiyaKou 2Heart: Is it true you were raped?

RvGrIUtena: WHAT???

RvGrIUtena: Who ARE you?

SeiyaKou 2Heart: It's just a rumor

SeiyaKou 2Heart: I like to find out from the source

RvGrIUtena: Yeah, like a true rumor would be about me being raped.

SeiyaKou 2Heart: God, that's terrible. I had a friend who went through that. How'd you get through it?

RvGrIUtena: Why are you doing this? Some sick joke?

SeiyaKou 2Heart: ???

SeiyaKou 2Heart: Huh?

SeiyaKou 2Heart: I'll stop asking you questions if you don't feel like talking.

RvGrIUtena: You think it's funny to IM somone with personal info and then just go off on the fact they were raped?

SeiyaKou 2Heart: I'm not laughing.

RvGrIUtena: You are mentoning it, so you are obviously a friend of someone I know who enjoys bringing up sick shit. That's just wrong.

SeiyaKou 2Heart: I'm sorry if I've given you that impression. Can we start over, then? I hate it when someone thinks bad of me when I didn't mean anything.

RvGrIUtena: Who are you, and why are you really IMing me? Leck doesn't know you. He doesn't know I was raped.

SeiyaKou 2Heart: I don't know Leck.

RvGrIUtena: And he doesn't know me that well.

RvGrIUtena: So you are lying.

SeiyaKou 2Heart: I was IMing you to get an answer to my original question of whether or not your nickname was really "Utuna" or if that was some kind of insult.

RvGrIUtena: You said Leck called me that, and he talked of my rape. He doesn't know about either.

SeiyaKou 2Heart: I didn't say he talked about your rape. I heard that from other people. You have quite a few friends and enemies.

RvGrIUtena: Why would you care?

SeiyaKou 2Heart: I don't, actually. I was just curious, and you happened to be OL.

SeiyaKou 2Heart: Want me to leave you alone?

RvGrIUtena: I hope you are on a phished name man, I am calling AOL, I don't need someone bringing up my rape.

SeiyaKou 2Heart: Oi oi oi! Why are you overreacting?!

SeiyaKou 2Heart: This is my real screen name, and I did not mean to harass you.

RvGrIUtena: Rape isn't funny. Enemies or not. And I will make sure this is known.

RvGrIUtena: You already did.

RvGrIUtena: I am 23 and I pay my taxes, don't need your crap.

SeiyaKou 2Heart: I'm sorry I even brought it up. I didn't think you'd react like this. I was wondering how you dealt with it so I could help my friend. She's still struggling with it, too.

SeiyaKou 2Heart: The "Utuna" thing was a way to break the ice...

RvGrIUtena: That's personal as well.

SeiyaKou 2Heart: Is there anything that's not personal?

RvGrIUtena: This will be published, sent to AOL, and I will call as well. May not do anygood if you are on a stolen account, but it will shu this name down.

RvGrIUtena: *shut

SeiyaKou 2Heart: O_o

SeiyaKou 2Heart: I assume this means I won't be a member of your ML, then...

RvGrIUtena: Good assumption.

SeiyaKou 2Heart: Do you normally react this way, or are you just having a bad day?

RvGrIUtena: I am calling the police as well. The rape thing is too creepy, and they can trace your internet line for harrassment, this convo will be logged.

RvGrIUtena: And yes, it IS a bad day.

SeiyaKou 2Heart: Normal people don't go around shutting people's SN's down, you know.

SeiyaKou 2Heart: You worried I'm a stalker?

RvGrIUtena: I try not to be normal.

SeiyaKou 2Heart: 10 to 1 I don't even live in the same state as you. Most people I meet OL come from either CA, FL, or someplace else so far away it's about the same.

RvGrIUtena: Why are you IMing me? Who told you this info?

SeiyaKou 2Heart: Guess I'd better hurry and send out the last issue of my ML, huh?

SeiyaKou 2Heart: Has anyone ever told you you're crazy?

RvGrIUtena: Yes.

RvGrIUtena: ^_^

SeiyaKou 2Heart: At least I'm not alone in that opinion.

RvGrIUtena: Why did you IM me? Who told you what you know?

SeiyaKou 2Heart: I IMed you to ask you questions to which I was not sure of. What I know comes from other people who I met in a couple random chats I was visiting. It's almost by accident that I know you exist. Oi, and look where it's led me...

SeiyaKou 2Heart: I'll have to tell the 2Heart guild to get another Seiya, too...

RvGrIUtena: Well, rape is not the way to say 'hi'.

SeiyaKou 2Heart: Well, sorry for not knowing social etiquette. I happen to be a tad isolated from normal social circles. My friend (the one I told you about earlier) is just about the only person I have to talk to IRL.

RvGrIUtena: So you just up and IM someone about rape, thier nicknames, etc?

SeiyaKou 2Heart: I thought the nickname thing would be a nice, neutral topic for me to bring up, since lots of people have nicknames. How was I to know you thought it was personal?

RvGrIUtena: Because only very VERY few know it.

SeiyaKou 2Heart: Um, you'd better check again. If someone like me can find out about it just by bringing up your name in a chat (which I did after I learned you existed and were supposed to have a good ML), then I doubt it's unknown.

RvGrIUtena: Who brought it up? Leck didn't. Someone fed you that name (so it seems).

SeiyaKou 2Heart: If I could remember the name, I'd tell you. But it's kind of hard to remember who out of a crowd of about 20 said something specific. I only remember the nickname because I thought it was a bad pun at first.

RvGrIUtena: And what about the rape thing?

SeiyaKou 2Heart: Different place, but just as big. I talk to a lot of people in the course of one OL sitting.

SeiyaKou 2Heart: It makes up for my pitiful real life.

SeiyaKou 2Heart: ^_^

RvGrIUtena: Someone is putting you up to this. You know of Leck, the nickname and my rape. Yet, you are on an AOL name that exsists with a profile, and claim it isn't phished. Either you are totally sick, or just stupid.

SeiyaKou 2Heart: Or innocently naive.

RvGrIUtena: Not likely.

SeiyaKou 2Heart: The profile was made by me. Like I said, this is my regular SN. I even run an ML through this SN.

RvGrIUtena: I am asking several ML leaders if they know of you.

SeiyaKou 2Heart: Why was your day so bad, by the way? Bad day at work or something?

SeiyaKou 2Heart: Try ILuvSenshi. He's a member.

SeiyaKou 2Heart: Jonny1q runs an ML ring I'm a member of.

RvGrIUtena: Kas, Sweet, Hime, Hikaru, none of them know you.

SeiyaKou 2Heart: I don't know them, either.

RvGrIUtena: I will email those on my ML ring then.

SeiyaKou 2Heart: There are lots of rings. My ML is new. Therefore, the chances of you finding me that way are slim. Let me give you some names of folks who run the ML rings I'm a member of.

SeiyaKou 2Heart: ChibiChibiFairy, Slr Ruby, AngeloFTheDark5, Tarla Hibiki

RvGrIUtena: Tarla Habiki? RvGrIUtena: Ooi.

SeiyaKou 2Heart: Hibiki

RvGrIUtena: Whatever.

SeiyaKou 2Heart: Oh, I thought you were confusing her with someone else

SeiyaKou 2Heart: MichiruSky, SuprSailrUranus SeiyaKou 2Heart: ILuvSenshi is the best one to talk to. He's helped me out a lot.

SeiyaKou 2Heart: Or she. I've never bothered to ask what gender he/she is...

SeiyaKou 2Heart: You've got an entire room dedicated to me? I'm flattered.

SeiyaKou 2Heart: talking about me*



And yet, I find the will to go on, heh. Children, they tend to speak about things without knowing anything at all. They are often too quick to speak, and I wish many would just learn how to shut the hell up.

High, curried, and just a big fucking trip.

