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Zettai Unmei Mokushiroku: Faith, Trinity, Mitzvah, Enlightenment, & Exodus.

(Title taken from thesis paper "Faith") - By UtenaSama
*Beats head unconsciously from inability to be stable*
(Ocelot, get the car running.... O.O)


My faith means much to me, as I am sure it does to others. It is what allows most of humanity to continue. It gives us infallible hope that there will be something for the time you have served on this great earth of ours.
It is the light at the end of the tunnel.
I wanted to talk about His Holiness, and how he was banned from UN talks due to pressure from the People's Republic of China. As I told one of my own ranters from JSASANR, I wanted to talk about how much I loathe Keanu Reeves for playing the part of Siddartha so horribly in the film "Little Buddha." *bad karma*
But this is supposed to be a simple piece. Fun, and without exaggeration. ^_^


Of the three main writers on my staff, I never understood how they were able to pull off such wonderful rants whenever asked. I have come to rely on them as the blind does to a seeing eye dog. What I lack in writing, they fill. Whether it be about how much they hate each other, or how much they love themselves, it always seems interesting.
And a sense of perfection is achieved.
I also have Dios who pulls my wayward ass out of every predicament by working studiously on new graphics for not only my mailing list, but several others as well. That is a moxy I may never have. Each part of the staff is like a big piece of s Socialistic puzzle. The links, graphics, main and rants. They all do their job and by some miracle of an unknown force I eventually get my ass up and put it all together and send it out.
Happy, happy. Joy, joy.


But knowing me, it is hard to always be just simple and fun. My reach spans a lifetime of journalism courses, and creative writing classes that prove college does nothing for the youth of today, only feeds hopeful minds such as myself the impression that you ARE an artiste! You are what David Helfgott is to a piano and a quart of scotch! You are a possible Hemmingway sans the liver failure!
So here is my mitzvah. In Hebrew: my good deed. I will write this as I only know how, and only as I feel. As I would on my own ML, or as I would for the Zettai's on the Utenas' page.
I will write this as a generally pissed-off 20 something who knows not what she sayeth, but sayeth for the benefit of sayeth-ing.


Sometimes I feel sick and cranky. Like now. With another useless fucking surgery tomorrow for something that may never go away, and with even more tension building as the fall semester hides around the corner from next Tuesday, I don't always feel silly or simple. I feel complex and crude. Like a prickly Rubik's Cube. Trying to get one row to be blue, and then bleeding to death in the process.
So here is my enlightenment of the day: being simple is not that simple.
Being stupid is not the same as being funny.
And laser surgery = painkillers. (HEH)


*Opens up her dog-eared copy of the bible that she got from the nice people at the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Later-Day Saints*
Exodus 4: 2-3 And the Lord said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod. And he said, Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from before it.
Moral of story? Snakes are scary, and the Bible has many typos, but it is a great read next to Harry Potter books.
take my revolution