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Onkar S Parmar
Mr. Jasbir S. Minhas,
HNo:Q-469, Sector-21,
Noida, INDIA-201301
Phone: 0118-4538988 X 257 (Office)

Date of Birth 12 June 1973
Sex Male
Nationality Indian
Languages Known English, Hindi, Punjabi
Father's Name Mr. Sarban S. Parmar
Permanent Address
HNo-356, Udham Singh Nagar,
Phagwara, Punjab, 
India. PIN:144401


  • A technically challenging job in the field of EDA Tool Design with focus on System-Level, High-Level or RTL-Level Synthesis.

  • Experience:

           1. Software Engineer
              Duration: Oct-99 to Till-date
              Company: IKOS India Pvt. Ltd., Noida.
              Projects: 1.Worked on this project till March-2000:
                          "Compilation of VHDL/Verilog RTL Code to generate
                           Gate-Level netlist."

                        2.Currently Involved with this project:
                          "Compilation of VHDL/Verilog Behavioral Description
                           and generate RTL code."
              Software: C, C++, VHDL, and Perl/Shell-Scripting (All on Sun-OS)

           2. Associate Software Engineer
              Duration: Mar-99 to Oct-99.
              Company: SGS-Thomson Microelectronics Ltd., Noida
              Project: "Study, Design and Implementation of Technology Mapping
                         tools for FPGA based design, that maps the design to a
                         generic FPGA Architecture."
              Software: C, C++ on Unix

           3. Research Associate
              Duration: July97 to Feb-99
              Company: Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.
              Project: "Synthesis of synchronous digital system
                         from VHDL behavioral description."
              Software: C on Unix platform

           4. Software Developer
              Duration: May96 to July97.
              Company: Engineers India Ltd. Gurgaon, N. Delhi.
              Project: "Design and Implementation of a GUI for Advanced Control
                         Models handling Simulation, Optimization and Control of
                         petroleum distillation control process."
              Software: Visual C++ on MS-Windows/Pentium

    Computer Literacy:

            o Platforms:
                Solaris, SunOS, HP-UX, WinNT, Linux
            o Languages:
                C, C++, Perl, Basic
            o HDLs:
                VHDL, Verilog and NDL
            o Compiler Tools:
                Lex, Yacc
            o Others:
                Unix Network Programming, C-Shell Scripting, Makefiles

    Major Subjects
    Passed On
    Indian Institute Of Technology,
    Computer Science
    & Engineering
    Dec. 1998
    7.9 / 10
    Indian Institute Of Technology,
    Minor:Computer Science
         & Engineering
    May 1996
    7.0 / 10
    Class XII
    D.A.V. College, Hoshiarpur,
    Maths, Physics, Chemistry,
    Punjabi, English
    March 1991
    Class X
    Govt High School Ajnoha,
    Hoshiarpur, Punjab(PSEB)
    Maths, Science, Hindi,
    Social Science, Punjabi, English
    March 1989

    Other Examinations:

    Courses Done:
  • M. Tech Program at IIT - Delhi:
  • Minor Projects:

    Major Projects:

        * M.Tech Project: Data Path Synthesis
           Done   under   Prof.  M. Balakrishnan.    The  high  level
            synthesis  from  behavioral description in  VHDL is carried out in
            two stages viz.,  data path  and  control synthesis.  This project
            involved  the  data path synthesis.  The  key steps  involved  are
            scheduling, allocation and binding.  The system  developed   takes
            care of
                + Optimal Clock Period Selection
                + Operator pipelining, multicycling and chaining
                + Multifunctional Operators

        * VHDL-to-IR (Intermediate Representation) Compiler
           Done  under  Prof.  M. Balakrishnan.  The  textual  behavioral
            description of a digital system in VHDL is not a convenient format
            for  the tools  that synthesize a circuit using an ASIC library to
            realize   that  behavior.   This  software  translates   the  VHDL
            description  to  IR,  which  is  a  data  structure,  organized as
            records.   The  syntax  of  VHDL  description  is  checked  before
            generating IR. This work was implemented in C, LEX and YACC.

        * VHDL-to-CDFG and CDFG-to-VHDL Translators
           Done  under   Prof. M. Balakrishnan.   This  tool  reads  VHDL
            behavioral description and generates  a disjoint Control Data Flow
            Graph for scheduling/allocation.  The tool CDFG-to-VHDL writes the
            VHDL description from the scheduled/allocated CDFG.

        * VHDL Beautifier
           Done  under Prof. M. Balakrishnan. This program beautifies the
            VHDL  description  by  taking  care  of  indentation  and  keyword

        * BLIF-to-VHDL Translator
           Done  under  Prof. Anshul Kumar.  This program takes as  input
            the BLIF description  of  a netlist mapped to  a specific library.
            The output of the program is Structural Description of the circuit
            in VHDL which is the implementation of the circuit using the
            component library used for technology mapping.

        * Implementing INTERCONNECT ROUTING
           Done Under Dr Sharad Malik. The project involved  implementing
            interconnect topology design and a delay model for a network  that
            has gone through logic synthesis, technology mapping and placement
            of cells.   The earlier stages are implemented  in a public domain
            tool  from  berkeley  called  SIS.  Our  routing  package  is then
            integrated with SIS package. Language: C/Unix

        * Description of the 8251(USART) chip in VHDL
           Done under Prof. Anshul Kumar.  Only the receiver part of  the
            chip was  simulated  for  the  8251,   which  is  the   Universal
            Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter. The coding was done
            in VHDL.

        * Hardware Prototype for IBM Data Encryption Standard (DES) on FPGA
           Done as a part of FPGA course under M. Balakrishnan. DES is  a
            public key data encryption algorithm.  Its software implementation
            is  very slow  with a limited  data encryption rate.  In hardware,
            pipelining and parallelism  can be used  to break the  performance
            barriers.  We designed a circuit, pipelined it at two levels. Then
            the   architecture  was   modified  to  use  two  copies  of  the
            computational part so as to fully utilize the FPGA chip and double
            the data rate.

        * Implementation of a WhiteBoard Environment
           Done under Prof. Subrat Kar.  This program was a prototype of
            the Web Server Chat on the Internet with the additional utilities
            for  drawing graphics i.e.  many users can edit a common graphics
            sheet. The program was implemented as a client server model using
            TCP sockets. The coding was done in Visual C++

    Extra Curricular:

  • Prof. M. Balakrishnan

  • Dept of Computer Science, IIT Delhi
  • Prof. Anshul Kumar

  • Dept of Computer Science, IIT Delhi
  • Prof. Shashi Kumar

  • Dept of Computer Science, IIT Delhi
  • Prof. C.Venkateshan

  • Dept of Aerospace Engg.,  IIT Kanpur
  • Prof. K.N. Lakshmisha

  • Dept of Aerospace Engg., IISc Banglore

    Date: April, 2000
    Place: Noida