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Controllers we used in Mountain King's hidden levels

Page created: 11/17/12
Modified: 11/20/12

inside Atari Joystick
A well used inside-keyboard from a Atari Joystick!
When our Atari Joysticks broke, I opened them up, taped the keyboard inside and used the buttons as a joystick. I play Mountain King with each thumb (of each hand). This has outlasted the Atari Joystick by many years! In Mountain King, I hold the Up button and push the Left button to jump up+left, then I let go of the Left button when arriving the entrance to the hidden world. Ever since I've learned to navigate Mountain King this way, I've never gone back to using a normal joystick! There are other games I use this for and I'm thinking of making plastic overlays for each games and put them in.
In some other games, holding more then one button creates malfunctions (such as in Ms. Pacman and others). Or makes it more difficult to navigate such as in Adventure - adding a new level of difficulty!

We used this to play a number of games begining from the late 1980s, and yes, it still works!

Sega Genesis controllers (each are colored differently but work the same).
Sometimes we used this controller because they create one ladder that can be themporary removed by pushing the C button. Remember that this works in both ports of the Atari, but is in different locations for the right port and left port.(Only one port will allow you to move around)

Atari Paddles.
The paddles create two ladders at two loctions when both knobs are tunred to the right. Remember, this works in both ports of the Atari, but is in different locations for the right port and left port. We found some paddles don't create ladders as well as others or the knobs don't turn far enough to create ladders. The other way to create ladders that these paddles create, you could try a Sega Genesis controller (see above) or a 'Gemini Video Game System' controller (below) or taking the Flame Spirit to the hidden world.

Gemini Video Game System controller
A 'Gemini Video Game System' controller.
In some other games, you need to push the little joystick Right to activate something or to move forward (such as Night Driver?) because the fire button on the left side isn't used for those games. In other games the fire button may work. In Mountain King if I recall, you can create one of the ladders that one of the paddles create.

Coleco Vision
Coleco Vision controllers. Pushing one or more buttons removes ladders.
