Comedienne - Auteur - Exotic Dancer - Chanteuse

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Earth Celebrations - 11/23/99
Oral Barbacoa 3rd Friday Series - 11/23/99
Me with a mop on my head in a digital diorama by Gametone Mike; go to ...pg4 to see how fat I got.



This page last revised 10/28/2000 Saturday.

Now working with The Ridge Street Gallery Group. Had a very successful performance on August 24th. Next performance is DECEMBER 4th, Monday, at Theater for the New City, First Avenue 9-10 Streets, Manhattan, New York, U.S.A. Admission probably FREE. Thank you. Be there or be square. Etc. Thanks to everybody . . . . . --AB2 . . . . :)

Performing under the stage name of AB2SOLOMON 8/13/00. I am at my son's house using his computer. I have not performed formally since January 16th of this year at the Sidewalk Cafe, but the good news is I made ten copies of the tape of this performance. If you or anyone knows of a good place where I could perform 5-6 times a year for a half an hour-- or could organize my own show with my act as a portion of it-- or if you would simply like to borrow the tape and see what I do-- or to see me perform at an open mike event-- just EMail me c/o and we'll see what we can work out. Best, AB2. 02/19/2000 Saturday. Resigned this week from ORAL BARBACOA. Hope the performance last night went OK. HENZIE has also dropped out, she told me when I called them this week to tell them. I felt I and Doctor Thomas weren't getting enough--or any!--recognition, even to being allowed to turn up the lights briefly to photograph the bands. We did get a lot of video footage, but the pickings from our point of view were very slim. There are many other projects that can be more "profitable" for us. WE WEREN'T EVEN MENTIONED ON THE WEB SITE!

Not that they don't present great music, however! Don't get me wrong there. They just don't care about anything else, such as--ahem!--promotion of any kind except the nose-picking, egotistical type (that is severe--but it is the way it looks from here). This seemingly necessary obduracy is a pity, because they are a bunch of talented, accomplished, dedicated people.

JANUARY 16th, 2000 (5760), Sunday 9:00-9:30 p.m. ====SHARP==== at SIDEWALK CAFE. See Below for DIRECTIONS. See HILITES PAGE for postmortems.

3RD Friday of EVERY MONTH at ORAL BARBACOA - Next one JANUARY 21ST 7 to 11 p.m., 2000 (5760 J.E.) (SEE BELOW) . . .

= = = R E S I G N E D = = W/E 2/20/2000 Sunday. = =

PROCESSION TO SAVE OUR GARDENS, Saturday JANUARY ??th, 2001 7 p.m. They tell me that I will be, once again, wearing my CHILLY, STAR-STUDDED getup as FATHER WINTER. DON'T FORGET as always I AM a very cool and charming, striking, cute and disarming man 60-plus. I really want to be THE MOON, not Winter so and will be working on that this winter. .

=== T-H-R-E-E ===

= =FOR FURTHER INFO, PLEASE CONTACT OUR GORGEOUS HELPER, BamaDolly@AOL.COM= ABC-NO-RIO, 150 Rivington Street, Lower Manhattan. F, M, or J Train to Delancey Street Station. Walk one block north to Rivington Street, RIGHT almost two blocks and you will see IT and PROBABLY hear the music on your left. Producer: GARY HEIDT and with, as always, VIDEOMAN PETER THOMAS and LAURA HENZIE, soprano saxophonist.

I plan to whoop it up though with my amplifier and my Feather Staff and my American Flag pants and a bevy of "new" songs . . . etc. .


= == T-W-O ==

= On JANUARY 16th, SUNDAY - HASHEM willing - I will do a half-hour set at Sidewalk Cafe, Sixth Street and Avenue "A" take F-Train to SECOND AVENUE walk North six blocks to Sixth Street and East one block to Avenue A. A WHOLE HALF-HOUR! Performance is 9:00 to 9:30 p.m. ==SHARP== so get there any later than 9:00 and you won't be supporting me. The minimum is only Three Dollars and you don't even have to get a drink; you can usually get Squash Soup and Garlic Bread for that much. And drinks are cheap too. There is no cover or admission charge. Or take the B, D, Q, A, C, E, or F-Train to West FOURTH Street Station, if you're at the north ("uptown," you hayseeds!) end of the train you'll come out at West EIGHTH Street, take bus to Avenue "A," walk South two blocks. I don't do this gig often so please try and be there [or be square] (notice the square brackets).


== ==== F-O-U-R ===

JANUARY 29th will start at 7 p.m. on East Sixth Street (638) between "B" and "C" and then go around Tompkins Sqare Park and then have a rally at the Ninth-and-"C" Garden (Ninth Street and Avenue "C," you ninnies). See their website on the list.

= THANKS -- GOLDILOCKS a.k.a. Monkeyshines de la Lune.

Last Revised: January 25th, 2000 (5760 J.E.). Happy Thanksgiving-What-Did-*You*-Do? And Channukkah, and Christmas. Angelfire.

Please come back and visit again!

(Just a plug for ANGELFIRE for being the first to offer me a free WEBSITE that works [by the way, let me know if it does--I've been told it doesn't work for everyone.] No other endorsement intended.)