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I just watched the dawn a few minutes ago, one of the most breathtaking displays of every shade of blue, pink and yellow I have ever seen. I thought to myself: How could a consumate artist like God destroy his handiwork? There must be another way to balance planetary karma besides cataclysm. Of course there is - it’s the easy way, the way of spiritual work (decrees, mantras, prayers, meditation, selfless acts of love and compassion, etc.)

Karma is the results of past actions boomeranging back to either curse or bless us. It is expressed in conventional wisdom as "What goes around, comes around," and in the Bible as "Whatever a man soweth, that shall he reap." Gal. 6:7. Karma can be transmuted by doing violet flame decrees, which is an inner meditation of purification. It can be mitigated but not totally erased. For example, suppose someone had the karma of deliberately running over a peasant with a horse. He would in this lifetime have to face the karma of being himself run over by a car. But he spends years doing the violet flame and changes himself inside. He learns the lesson of love and compassion so that he no longer has the tendency to trample people underfoot in any way. So instead of getting hit by a car, he just gets his foot run over by a shopping cart.

Planetary karma is the accumulated karma of millions of people that lies like an astral smog over the Earth and can result in earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tornados and other disasters. If enough people change themselves inside and learn karmic lessons the easy way, planetary cataclysm can be avoided. But still the karma has to be expressed in some mitigated form. Perhaps instead of a meteor crashing to earth, a satellite reenters and burns up. I also think that mitigated karma can be outpictured by the entertainment media, especially popular movies and television programs.

I remember back in the cold war days of autumn, 1983, two events happened that heightened international tensions: the shooting down of KAL flight 007 by a Soviet MIG, and the liberation of Grenada from Soviet-backed Cuban troops. Then on November 20, 1983 at 8:12 PM CST, the Soviets launched a devastating nuclear attack against the United States. You don’t recall that event? Well, you were probably one of the few who missed watching "The Day After." This TV special was analyzed by Maria Kay Simms in "The Dial Detective: Investigation With the 90 Degree Dial." (89) This book is an excellent practical guide to Uranian astrology, a branch of astrology that uses midpoints and other planetary patterns to predict disasters. It was developed in Germany during WWII using empirical analysis of negative events such as assassination attempts, bombings, widespread dying, etc. Hence, its negative slant. Simms looked at the Uranian astrology for the city of Kansas City Kansas, the setting of the movie, and Moscow at the time the ficticious bomb hit Kansas City. Quoting from Simms: "Delineations for this planetary picture (aspecting the Kansas City midheaven) say ‘murder, death, defenseless against attack, grave end, widespread dying.’ The atomic energy formula is also in contact with the Midheaven... And how might the otherside fare in this event? Moscow’s M/A (Midheaven/Ascendant midpoint) is found on the axis of Jupiter and Kronos (lucky, successful manager)!"

Was "The Day After" the outpicturing of a mitigated astrology indicating the returning national karma of a nuclear attack? I remember doing a lot of decrees at the Washington, D.C. teaching center that autumn. Elizabeth Clare Prophet came for a surprise visit and prayer vigil on the weekend after the KAL 007 incident and we also had prayer vigils on Grenada and the Middle East. Did all these decrees mitigate the karma? I believe so.

If the earth was scheduled to experience the returning planetary karma of a meteor strike in 1999, but it was mitigated by our decrees, what movies or TV specials outpictured it? By now tens of millions across the planet have seen "Armageddon" and "Deep Impact." What are the karmic lessons to be learned by watching these movies. In "Armageddon," a tough oil rig foreman learns compassion and understanding in his relationships with his daughter and an oil rig worker who loves her, and sacrifices his life to save mankind. In "Deep Impact," a tough reporter learns to forgive her father, gives up her spot in an underground shelter to a rival and her daughter, and goes to her father so they could face the onrushing tidal wave of karma together.

These are all lesson of the ruby cross astrology that we have been experiencing in 1999. See Eclipse and Ruby Cross Edgar Cayce once warned that if America does not accept "the closer brotherhood of man, the love of neighbor as self...[then] again must Mongolia, must a hated people, be raised."(90) In "Nostradamus, 1999," Stephan Paulus describes a scenario in which the "great King of Terror," a large meteor, hits the Atlantic wiping out the East Coast of the U.S. and most NATO countries. The power vaccuum is filled, after a protracted war, by a leader who will come out of "either present-day Mongolia or northwestern China."(7)

Have we learned the lessons of love the easy way or are there meteors still out there that will teach us the hard way? Some people aren't taking any chances and are preparing for the worst case scenario with underground shelters, survival food, water, medicine, etc. But if they don't have love, they won't survive no matter how well prepared they are, because love is the key to survival.