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When I told a friend of mine about the eclipse and the possibility of a new grid, he said, "Oh, you must be talking about the Great Divine Director’s grid." He grabbed a copy of "The Great White Brotherhood" book, turned to page 327, and showed me the Great Divine Director’s mandala that he presented on July 6, 1975 at Mt. Shasta.(42) This is the mandala on the home page of this e-zine. He told me that when he was at LaTourelle in 1972, the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet showed him the mandala and said that at each intersection of lines there was a release of light. This sounded like a grid vortex, but the mandala didn’t look like any Earth grid pattern that I’ve ever seen. But I didn’t argue. A few nights later I read the dictation. In it, the Great Divine Director said, "I am directing into manifestation now that impression of the mandala that is before you. And I seal it in the throat chakra that you might utter fiats of the law given unto you by your own Christ Self, by your own I AM Presence, for the healing, line by line, for the all-consuming sacred fire, line by line." I meditated on the mandala, visualizing it over my throat chakra. Then I made the call to go to his retreat where I might be shown the meaning of the mandala in relation to the Earth grid.

When I awoke the next morning I knew that the mandala was a symbolic representation of the new grid. The 24 radiating points along the circumference represent the 24 pentacles that compose the new grid. See The Descent of the New Jerusalem - Part I" The point in the center represents the Earth’s core which feeds the grid. I got on the internet to see if I could confirm this structure of the new grid and knew exactly where to search. Using the key words "Earth grid" plus "mandala," I found a site containing an article by futurist Gordon Michael Scallion in which he presents the shape of the new Earth grid. It is a crystalline structure consisting of 12 decagons or 10-sided cells instead of the present 12 pentagons.

The decagons look like faceted gems and if the grid were viewed face on by someone, as in a vision, it would appear to have only 12 since he would see only half the grid. This may have been what John envisioned as the New Jerusalem in Revelation 21: 19-21. The 12 gates or pearls may be the 12 major vortices of that half of the grid.

Scallion went on to write, "This grid pattern...will determine new modes of life here... It is what creates the blueprint, I believe, for DNA, I believe that the cellular building blocks of all biophysical life..., the etheric mold, if you will, is changing. Therefore, we will have new species of animals emerging, and a new species of people. This new human being will attain... from the point of view of intelligence, telepathic abilities, healing abilities, and spiritual knowing - a kind of quantum jump in evolution from where we are now... People today who are in harmony...are already tapped into the new grid structure that is already present etherically. Many of the Blue Ray children that are being born now...are tapped right into the new energy." In his book "Notes from the Cosmos," he writes that the Blue Ray children "are the forerunners. They are those who come to prepare the way for the next race -- what may be termed as the next root race." In other words, the seventh root race.(43)

Thus, we see why the Great Divine Director is so interested in the establishment of the new Earth grid. It stand to reason that his retreat in Romania should be over one of its key vortices. The Point at which the August 11th eclipse is darkest and longest is directly over Kogaion Peak, a sacred site very close to the Rakoczy Mansion, etheric retreat of the Great Divine Director. Tradition has it that the land directly under the epicenter of a total solar eclipse becomes the temporary "axis mundi" of the Earth until the next total solar eclipse. The Great Pyramid of Giza has been the permanent "axis mundi" or cornerstone of the Earth grid since the sinking of Atlantis. Perhaps it is time for a change, starting August 11, 1999. According to Robert Coon, another major vortex of the new Earth grid will be at Lake Titicaca, Bolivia, the place around which the seventh root race will begin embodying.

I refer to the new earth grid as the Great Divine Director’s grid. However, I don’t think we should refer to it as such in making calls. Rather, we should call for the manifestation of the Solar Logoi's mighty dispensation of the new etheric body of the earth, announced by Sanat Kumara and given as the thoughtform for 1985 by Gautama Buddha on January 1, 1985 at Camelot.

Sanat Kumara said,"Thus, I, Sanat Kumara, declare that in this hour is the deliverance of earth. The etheric matrix of the Central Sun is set as cosmic beings place an etheric matrix over the entire planet. This etheric sheath contains the record and blueprint of the original divine plan, its fulfillment, and added thereto all victories of all saints and early root races unto the present hour. Understand that the etheric body of this planet has likewise been polluted by the fallen ones and the misuse of the sacred fire, by the rending of the garment and the forcing of the chakras. And thus, to see it is to see a once-and-former shell of light—betrapped, besmirched, gridded with darkness and record of war. Thus, the Solar Logoi bequeath to the planet a new swaddling garment, a matrix very nigh the heart of God, that all might see and know in their finer bodies, as their own etheric body is purified, what is that acceptable destiny for this freedom star. The matrix itself—emerald, ruby, and sapphire, and the fourth, amethyst—provides a discipline and even a judgment. For the grid of Light is so powerful that many will not be able to go against the very presence of its force. Many will then turn to the path of purity and soul-searching. May they find interpreters of this octave and of the retreats. This etheric sphere, beloved, makes vibrant and does intensify the etheric retreats and cities of Light. It does also activate and make light the chakras, as each one’s karma does allow. The opportunity, then, beloved, to renew the golden age has never been greater than in this moment. I who have known you in the vast forever, you who are my own bands who answered the call to come to earth. I must tell you that it is an hour when all that we have hoped for and dreamed for can be looked to and lowered into manifestation.... As above, so below. As God has spoken, so let the chelas respond and affirm this Word and this decree. And let everyone who is a son of God in the earth know that the science of the spoken Word is the power to transmit this decree of the Solar Logoi and the Holy Kumaras and the Lord of the World. And we bow before the Almighty and accept these judgments as the wisdom of the Universal God.

Come apart, then, in the joy of the LORD to be that separate people elect unto God, that thou and thy household and thy loved ones might be protected in the day of the wrath of the avenging ones, who will not relent in their darkness but only seek to destroy as they themselves are self-consumed. We come to place a flame of balance—balance of the threefold flame and balance of the cosmic scales—with each and every one of you. I place my aura around you secure, that you might be the Buddha and the presence of Gautama holding the balance of earth as the necessary step-up and changes take place. I will leave off speaking with you now that I might place the oneness that I AM in the heart of the earth throughout the planetary body, containing it entirely in my own being. Thus, all who live here must deal with the consciousness of the Holy Kumaras, feel then the halter of the Law, the intensity of the Love, know the wisdom of God, and determine the course of their individual life action."(44)

These are Gautama’s words describing the thoughtform: "It is the image of planet earth, restored, karma balanced, axis straightened. It is sealed in the etheric sheath and thus appears as a shimmering sphere of light. The configuration of land masses and seas are not exactly as they are today, signifying the true etheric matrix of that which is to be in the Golden Age. Present in the canvas that is drawn, at the lower left, is an anchor, an anchor such as used by Lord Maitreya in his clipper ship. It signifies the anchoring of planet earth in the bedrock of Maitreya’s consciousness. In the upper right corner are the scales, signifying the balance of all forces and karmic cycles. In the right hand corner is the sacred heart of the Christ, full-blossoming with the fluer de leis and the white rose of the Mother, diamonded and bejeweled with the gems of the City Foursquare. This heart is the sign of the disciples of the path of the Ruby Ray who enter into the union of the cross of Sanat Kumara, Gautama, Jesus and Maitreya. And in the left-hand upper corner, there is the image of the City Foursquare, the New Jerusalem that descends out of heaven as the etheric matrix, lowered for the community of the Holy Spirit, forged and won by the called out ones. Beneath that symbol is the outline of the mountains of the Inner Retreat...The descending city is the pattern and blueprint whereby the etheric octave becomes physical, proven once and then proven again and again as a formula of life, varying in each continent and place that shall spring up as the whole world receives the education of the heart."

"May you pray for the precipitation of these four symbols in the hearts of all lightbearers that the cardinal points of the earth and the gates of the city might be kept."(45)

The "gates" are the major energy vortices of the new grid. The inclusion of the mountains of the Inner Retreat under the New Jerusalem may mean that the Inner Retreat will be a major vortex, if not the cornerstone, of the new grid. Lori Toye, creator of the I AM America map, saw a major vortex in Western Montana, although she depicted it closer to Missoula than the Inner Retreat. I feel she was off a couple of hundred miles. I also feel that Kogaion Peak, Romania, near the Great Divine Director’s retreat will be a major vortex of the new grid, because it is directly under the peak of the eclipse. There is a vortex at that point in the I AM America world map. In a future issue of the Mandala of Light I will present my interpretation of the pattern of the new earth grid with the location of the 12 major vortices.

In a documentary film called "Grid Engineering," Dan Winter and Vincent Bridges, demonstrated that it is possible to construct a new energy vortex by placing paramagnetic stones in a pattern that copies the constellations above the site and by communing with the elementals at the site. The key to this process was waiting to install the cornerstone until a solar eclipse over the site reached its peak. At the peak of the eclipse the grid collapses and it is possible to establish a new energy vortex.(14) I believe that the energy vortex at Kogaion Peak and Rokoczy Mansion can become the cornerstone for the new Earth grid if we make the calls to the elementals, to the Great Divine Director and to other masters before 11:03 am U.T on August 11, 1999, the peak of the eclipse.

We can also act as fiery rods in the Earth, transmitting the light of God into the Earth grid to heal, strengthen and stabilize it to prepare it for the superimposition of the new Great Divine Director grid. In the past, geomancers healed and stabilized the Earth grid by erecting stone towers at the grid node points that acted like acupuncture needles in the Earth’s body. Now, we ourselves, through the fire in our hearts can become rods or needles in the Earth, and we need not be at node points during the solstice or a religious feast day since we are working on a spiritual level which transcends time and space. We can use the Great Divine Director’s mandala as our primary focus. Visualize this mandala over your throat chakra as you give the following decrees and calls. There are signs that the new etheric body, the thoughtform for 1985, has been lowered into manifestation. Gautama Buddha said that the earth's axis would be straightened. In issue 21 of Atlantis Rising, David A. Wilson, in a letter to the editor, stated that the Earth is supposed to be tilted (declined) at 23o 25' out of the orbital plane. However, according to his mwasurements on June 16th, 1999, the Earth is now tilted at 19o 05'. He wrote, "We are more upright than before, creating new temperature and weather patterns. Have you noticed? [As I write this, it is November 30th and the temperature is 60oF, 20 degrees above the average for this day. Also the ground is bare as oppose to the average accumulated snowpack of one and a half inches for this elevation and date.] The night star pattern will also be shifted in perspective if you have a way of measuring it. We have a new "north pole" located in the northern stars. You should verify this information. To do so, you need to establish a true North-South line. A compass reading will be off some according to your longitude and the magnetic pole location. Once your N-S line is established, scribe it into your driveway or sidewalk. Drive a metal rod into the ground at the south end, so a determined length is above ground. When the rod's shadow is on the N-S line, it is solar noon. Mark the shadow length. You have the rod length and the shadow length, and by trigonometry can find the sun's angle for the day of measurement: Tan angle = opposite/adjacent. A trig book will give the angle in degrees and minutes. Feed that information into this formula: Declination = Sun angle - 90 degrees + Latitude. The declination of the day is available from any Farmers Almanac>"(46) Compare this published declination with your results to see for yourself how much the earth's axis has straightened.

We should also visualize ourselves as part of this mandala, connected to every lightbearer on earth. On the page after the mandala in "The Great White Brotherhood in the Culture, History and Religion of America," Elizabeth Clare Prophet wrote "Working and serving together, we form a mandala of light through which the masters of the Great White Brotherhood will awaken humanity."(47)