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I apologize to subscribers of Mandala of Light who did not receive a Spring issue and to visitors of the website who have not read any new articles since February.

No, I have not been suffering from writer’s block. On the contrary, I have been very productive, writing and revising a book. The title is Ecstatic Living: How to Revitalize Your Relationships, Career, Body, Mind and Soul.

This book evolved from a few articles in what was to become the Spring, 2000 issue of Mandala of Light plus a couple of articles from past issues. It is a self-help book offering tools of living to improve five areas of life. The total time from initial concept to printing was a little over three months.

In searching for a title, I looked up the definition of the word "ecstatic" in Webster’s New Twentieth Century Dictionary. The definition wasn’t quite what I had in mind, but on a sudden flash of inspiration, I decided to break it up into two parts, ec and static and look up their definitions. I found that ec meant "out of" and one of the definitions for static was "not moving or progressing." This concept is exactly what I wanted to convey in the title because the book is about how to get out of the ruts of life: the inaction, bad habits, stuck emotions, negative thinking and unsatisfying situations. The book is now available from the Ecstatic Living Institute, P.O. Box 3544, Bozeman, MT 59772. The cost is $7.95 per copy plus $2.05 for shipping and handling. Print out the order form and send it in. You will receive your autographed copy in 7 to 10 days.

I would appreciate feedback from readers of the book. A question I would pose to everyone is: Would you be interested in attending a weekend seminar with workshops that expand on the topics in the book and teach you how to use the ten tools of living? My e-mail address is

The following two articles are excerpts from the book so that you can have a better idea of what it is about.

Playing Softball

How to Unlock Your Treasury