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by Tonya Gamman

In this world where so many things appear to be on a negative spiral, the light of hope has appeared like the predawn glow upon the eastern horizon of the Age of Aquarius. Last year while visiting a friend in Hawaii, I noticed a strange picture of her on her altar. She explained that it was a picture of her aura taken by a special camera. I was intrigued. I knew that Kirlian aura photographs of finger tips had been taken, but I had no idea that it was now possible to take pictures of the entire aura. When I returned home to Montana, I searched the Internet and found several companies that sell the camera and software. I felt drawn to the one that originated this technology, Aura Imaging.

I prayed that if the Masters wanted this at the July conference we could get the equipment and set it up in time. It was the last week of June and the tech support people at Aura Imaging told us we were crazy to even think of getting it set up and running in such a short time. We told them that if God wanted this at our conference, it would be there, as all things are possible with God. As it turned out, through a sequence of miracles (they sold it to us for their cost and we did a two-week set up in three days), we had it up and working in time for the conference. It was if we had wings on our feet. We felt sure that this was a tool for the Masters and that they had a plan for it.

It was at the conference that we began to realize what a wonderful tool for the light this is. We were observing firsthand in full color the teachings on the human aura and the seven rays that we had until now only accepted in faith. Keepers of the Flame, coming out of violet-flame and blue-flame decree sessions, were as excited as we were to see the respective colors in their auras. We had been told that white light is rare in the aura. It is the light of Christ consciousness, the mighty I AM Presence, spiritual essence and of the saints and ascended masters. We are happy to report that it is not rare at the Inner Retreat or in the auras of Keepers of the Flame. We saw lots of white. Some walking among us are all white. Truly we are walking and talking with saints daily in our church home, and often we are not aware of it nor are they. We also noticed that the auras were clearer and brighter than the auras we saw later in the general population. This was a convincing testimonial to the power of the spoken word and our teachings. One of the most wonderful things we are able to work with is to help people to know when they are connected. This "connection" shows up on our computer screen as a white light overlay on top of their basic colors. As they meditate, decree, make calls or do their healing work they are able to see when this connection happens.

Often people will have some disturbance in the solar plexus chakra. We have worked with them to clear and purify and balance that chakra. White light meditation and invocations work quite well to do this and so does the violet flame. Essential oils and Radionic remedies also work quite well and show improvement in the auric field.

We realized what a great tool the Aura Camera was for contacting people and demonstrating the teachings. No longer did people have to accept what we taught on faith; they could see it for themselves and learn to work with their own energy. We decided that this valuable tool had to get to every teaching center and study group and began traveling around the country doing demonstrations. Aura Imaging was so happy to have us work with them, they took us on as sales representatives. This widened our exposure and is allowing us to go out to the centers quicker than if we had done it on our own. We are offering our services to all the centers who will have us. We know many do not have the funds, $5,000 to $11,000, to purchase this kind of equipment for their center, but we have it and we want to help them to do outreach with the camera whenever we are in the area. These cameras really draw a crowd; everywhere we go, we are the most popular booth.

Now this is exciting enough , but the best is yet to come. Last, but certainly not least, we have to let you all know what we have been finding around the country in the last few months. It began in September this phenomenon we call "LA teal." It is sort of a teal-turquoise color and it began appearing in LA. It was in every single aura we did there. We were amazed by this as we had not seen it before in any auras we had done previously. We questioned some people in the area who see auras naturally and they told us that they had seen it coming in for the last two or three years, but only in small amounts and in very few people. Now, they said, it is in most auras and in large amounts. When we arrived in LA, none of us had that color in our auras, but by the time we left, we had it and after we were home it spread to the rest of our family. When the October class began, we found it was in many people that were not from Montana, but few Montana Keepers had it. However, at the New Years class it was in almost every aura we did. We will see at the upcoming July Conference if LA teal has spread throughout the world. What is the significance of teal? It is the color that represents compassion and peace. We are seeing, I believe, compassion coming into the auras of many people in the US. You may wonder why all the excitement. Well this being the color of compassion and peace is exciting in and of itself, but that appears to be contagious. Then there is the prophecy that the secret ray colors and colors not seen before would begin to be seen in the auras of people as we come into the new age. The master have predicted it and so have other prophets and seers. To us it represents hope, a hope that the world is indeed changing for the better. God surely knows we need more compassion and peace on this planet. We have definitely seen the emissaries of compassion in our loving Tibetan friends with their great love for Kuan Yin as they have visited with us at the Royal Teton Ranch this past summer. Many of you who attended the summer conference saw the loving faces of our Tibetan brothers of light. They may have left a bit of compassion with us as they went home with the teachings of the violet flame to share with their countrymen.

We do not know for sure what has caused this coloration in everyone’s aura but we shall continue to keep you informed, and if anyone has any ideas we would like to hear them. We are especially interested in how we can help with outreach efforts, and we will not charge for that service. See you all at the summer conference, where we hope to give a video presentation on our findings.

[Editor’s Note: It is my opinion that the five secret rays appearing in people’s auras is a sign that the second fivepointed star pattern of energy vortices is being lowered into manifestation over the present icosa dodeca grid configuration to create a double penta dodecahedron vibrating at a higher frequency, i.e., the New Jerusalem. Our auras are connected to the planetary aura, so any change in the planetary aura would be reflected in our auras.]