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I feel privileged to have met and to correspond with David Hatcher Childress, one of the world’s foremost authorities on ancient mysteries, lost civilizations and the earth grid. David has been called "the real-life Indiana Jones," and rightly so since he is more often off traveling to exotic locales in search of ancient ruins and artifacts, underground tunnels, and other adventures. David has been interviewed on radio and has appeared on Fox-TV’s Sighting & Encounters, Discovery, and A&E, as well as the NBC specials Atlantis and The Mysterious Origins of Man. He has authored many books, several of them on lost cities of ancient civilizations in various parts of the world. One of these, "Lost Cities of Atlantis, Ancient Europe & the Mediterranean" is probably the most comprehensive overview of the evidence for the existence of Atlantis and its influence on our present governmental, economic, and social systems. For a complete listing of his books and other fascinating books on exotic travel, anti-gravity, mind control, tesla technology, free energy, conspiracy, alternative healing, UFO’s and more, visit Adventures Unlimited at".

MOL: David, you have read just about every book on Atlantis. What others besides your book, "Lost Cities of Atlantis, Ancient Europe & the Mediterranean" are among the best?

DHC: I would say that the two best books are: 1. Atlantis the Antediluvian World by Ignacious Donnelley. This is one of the original books written in English about Atlantis. First published in the mid-1800s. And 2. Atlantis Mother of Empires by Robert Stacy Judd. Judd was a Los Angeles architect who was fascinated by Atlantis. Lots of original research.

MOL: What were your sources of information for your book on Atlantis and what were the sources for Donnelley and Judd?

DHC: There is an extensive bibliography in the back of my Atlantis book.More books have been written on Atlantis than almost any other subject.

MOL: Have any written or handed-down verbal records about Atlantis survived? Are the teachings of the priests of Sais to Solon as recorded by Plato the only records?

DHC: Plato's account is the main source of material on Atlantis. There were probably many books on Atlantis is the great Library of Alexandria, but they have all been destroyed. The destruction of books and knowledge is a serious problem in reconstructing the past. Even the Bible mentions world's before our own that were destroyed in catastrophes.

MOL: Is the Book "The Lost Teachings of Atlantis," by Jon Peniel just a rehash of material from other sources?

DHC: Peniel's book is probably a rehash of other material. I doubt if he has ever been to Tibet, as he claims.

MOL: A few years ago, Aaron Duval claimed to have discovered and decoded ancient records of Atlantis inscribed in stones found near Bimini. Do you think Aaron Duval will release his findings about the Scott stones as promised or is he holding an empty bag?

DHC: The Scott Stones appear to be a hoax.

MOL: In your travels, have you encountered any evidence of Atlantean culture, ruins, and legends that have survived?

DHC: Certainly. Massive walls, allegedly Atlantean architecture, exist in many parts of the world. The huge walls in Peru at Cuzco, Ollantaytambo and other areas may be proof of Atlantis, as are the giant blocks at Baalbek, Malta, Carnac (France) and other areas. Pre-Egyptian ruins in Egypt such as the Sphinx, Valley Temple and the Osirion at Abydos are also evidence of Atlantis. There are more than 200 known sunken cities in the Mediterranean alone. There are artifacts that may be from Atlantis. The Coso Artifact is essentially a spark plug inside a geode. Other artifacts, such as gold chains, or even silver vases, have been blown out of solid rock or coal seams. There are also the gold "airplane" models from the Bogota Gold Museum. We also have the ancient Indian Epics such as the Mahabharata that talk of flying machines, aerial battles and even atomic warfare.

MOL: In Issue #8 of "Atlantis Rising" magazine you postulated the Top 10 possible locations of Atlantis. You mentioned that Indiana archeologist, Jackson Judge thought that Portsmouth, Ohio was the site of the capital of Atlantis. What was his basis for saying this?

DHC: His basis was on the concentric circle fortifications that are found at Portsmouth. They are prehistoric, and are similar to Plato's description of the city.


MOL: In the book, "A Dweller on Two Planets," Phylos the Tibetan mentions an Atlantean Temple on the central peak of the Grand Tetons. What is your opinion of this channeled information?

DNC: This information seems to be valid as there were ruins found at the peak during the first expedition. You might ask a park ranger about the ruins.

MOL: What do you think caused the sinking of Atlantis?

DHC: Various theories abound: A pole shift, a huge earthquake in the Atlantic, or even possibly that the people destroyed their own island-continent through the misuse of technology.

MOL: Is there any truth in the story that Atlantean scientists misused the earth's electromagnetic grid as a weapon and that this contributed to its destruction and the weakening of the grid?

DHC: Yes, there is some evidence of this, of using "death rays" or "beam weapons" in a world-wide war over 10,000 years ago. Supposedly, a civilization in the Gobi Desert was destroyed this way. The Gobi area was a fertile inland sea area at the time, allegedly.

MOL: Are we in danger of repeating history by testing nukes, HAARP and other advanced weapons that affect the Earth's grid? Can the grid be damaged to the point where earth is uninhabitable?

DHC: Maybe, but I think that the earth is very resilliant and can heal itself.

MOL: You mentioned the flying vimannas of ancient India. Were these antigravity vehicles that used the much stronger electromagnetic grid at that time?

DHC: I think that vimanas, while they use the grid, can function in a weak or strong magnetic field, and could be used as well today as in the past--and in fact are!

MOL: Is the "vile vortex" in the Devil's Triangle a former vortex of Atlantis that was damaged? Where do ships and planes disappear to? Are they thrown into outer space by an antigravity field or do they enter another dimension?

DHC: There is said to be a Pyramid-Generator station beneath the Atlantic. This may be part of the cause of the "Bermuda Triangle" or whatever. Ships and planes may be sucked into the ocean, or sent into another dimension. I don't know the answer, actually.

MOL: Do you think cataclysm is necessary to repair the damage that has been done and continues to be inflicted on the earth grid?

DHC: Atomic detonations continually damage the grid, apparently. With a cataclysmic

poleshift, the earth would start over again and repair itself.

MOL: Do you think the prediction of a pole shift around May 5th, 2000 is a likely scenario?

DHC: The planetary alignment on 5/5/2000 happens every 6,000 years, almost

exactly. This would seem a likely time for such an event, if one were to occur

in the near future. The gravitational forces of the Sun, Jupiter, Saturn and the Moon

(being so close to us) are at their peak on this day because of the alignment.Even conservative "experts" believe that there is likely to be at least some minor effects on the weather, volcanoes, etc.

MOL: We’ll be making calls on that. Thank you, David