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When I get two or three synchronistic signs that I should write about something, I usually start the process. But five signs in the past five days means an urgent topic that needs to be addressed now. I decided the best format would be an editorial that would be a catalyst for discussion in the Mandala forum, Phoenix forum, and Chela forum.


I will begin by listing the five signs in order of their appearance. Last Tuesday, I read in "Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy," by Michael Lee that "Transformation means change, and it means getting in touch with a unique version of the ‘Truth’ -- our very own. That notion is very unsettling to people with a vested interest in teaching ‘the one true path.’... Once we begin the journey and become aware of our Divinity, we need to be extra careful not to try to wrap it up and interpret it for everyone else... No two people ever see or experience the same thing in exactly the same way. Each experience is unique unto itself. That concept can be either downright scary or totally beautiful. It all depends on your level of trust in the Divine."

The next day, a Keeper of the Flame hand delivered a letter to the editor. In it he wrote, "I was also impressed by the consideration of the "I-watch"- to contemplate our personal tendencies to let subjectivity cloud our objectivity - question. Too many people are running blindly after what they personally believe; the Teachings call it falling for "the conspiracy of the self." A lot of people are trying a lot of paths, even within the same movement. I AM glad you cast a good light on the road not easily seen."

Three days later I recieved a phone call from a Keeper who promised to contribute an article on a therapy that is not endorsed by the Church. He decided not to go ahead with the article because it was too controversial. Some Keepers in the past who strongly objected to it have done and said mean things to him. Even though they have since apologized, he still is concerned that the article would stir up people’s feelings again. He also told me that people who aren’t in the Teachings have come to him and have had profound experiences of masters and angels. Can we dismiss these experiences as subjective illusions of the uninitiated?

That same day I received an e-mail from a former Keeper and staff member who publishes an e-zine similar to Mandala of Light. He wrote that, "I find it interesting on your site that you have integrated different teachings together on your Path. I am sure you’re aware that many in CUT are not able to do that and will not accept anything that does not come directly from Mother (I used to be like that but now I listen to my Christ Self and Inner discernment for the last several years)- I think most hard core Ascended Master students (I AM, CUT or TOP) would not appreciate your site but the new energy is Synthesis and Unity, not I am right and everyone else is going to the second death."




Finally, today I read Kathie Garcia’s post in which she wrote "Maria Montessori said that ‘criticism kills the spirit.’ Being a Virgo , she couldn't resist creating materials allowing the child to self-correct. The Masters (i.e., St Germain as Roger Bacon) have given their lives that we could experiment and discover truth. Again, we return to the nature of the motive. In my work with thousands of KOF, I find that everyone discovers their particular issue they need to resolve in this intimate love relationship with God, the Guru, the Brotherhood, the Community. What is seen as some kind of objective reality is, in most cases, tinted by very subjective perception. How could it not be so? People have different histories, work on different rays, come from different backgrounds and cultures, etc."

What is the common thread running through these five communications? It is, I feel, that people are no longer satisfied with someone else telling them what to believe. People are now searching for the truths they need to know, using their own innate wisdom for guidance. Mark Prophet once said, "Trust no man." (If anyone knows what tape album that is on, I would appreciate it if you’d e-mail me). He meant that we should trust the Christ in everyone, the human in no one, and to have the discernment to know the difference. Thomas Ashley-Farrand in "Healing Mantras," wrote that "Teachers are also human. And human beings are not perfect. They are capable of error and they have desires just like the rest of us... For some teachers, subtle changes in their ‘help’ begin to appear. they may demand unquestioning obedience. They may construct fanciful circumstances for us to navigate to ‘test’ us. They may instill not just respect but fear in their students... Any external teacher is useful to your spiritual progress only so long as he or she presents an accurate reflection of what your inner teacher is trying to show you. The moment the outer teacher does not reflect the inner teacher, then the outer teacher is a hindrance... A student may, for spiritual reasons, spend an entire life with a given teacher. But it is much more common for a person to have several teachers during a lifetime, because each soul has its own blueprint for development... The true spiritual teacher knows that the upaguru is the teacher without form, the teacher within both student and spiritual guide..., that it is the upaguru that prods us to become seekers after truth in the first place, and that it is the upaguru which leads us to a qualified teacher at some point.


Thus, we must Trust our Holy Christ Self and the Christ Selves of others to show the way on individual paths of Christhood. We must also be Flexible, Alert, Intrepid, and Humble. See the "Five Be-Attitudes of Faith" in In Synch With the Inner Guru Some Church members and leaders find it hard to do this, especially the be humble part. Michael Lee wrote "This is relatively simple, but not always easy. My Western mind is often eager to leap in to supply the answer. When I could stay out of the way, she [a client] could often get in touch with her inner guru." On the whole, however, I feel, based on my own personal experience and that of others, that there is a new openess and willingness to listen in the Church, that encourages people to explore and work out their own path. Self gnosis was the germ of truth at the core of Gnosticism. To the orthodox church, it was a germ that needed to be removed, not one that needed to be nurtured. They took it out of the unleavened bread of communion and substituted the white bread of dogma for mass consumption. After 1700 years, people are finally fed up with white bread and are looking for a new Gnosticism. I think they can find it in Church Universal and Triumphant.