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The Author of this Webpage Is.....

Well who is the author of this webpage? I could say I am some expert on Indians, but I am not. I am a student at Carroll College and during the past two years I have had the opportunity to take Introduction to Native American Studies and also American Indians. These two classes have taught me what I know about Indians. Before I took these classes I was like most other people. Most of the information I knew about Indians involved the Pilgrims and Thanksgiving. Now that has all changed. Sure the Indians played a part in the first Thanksgiving and the arrival of the Indians but their role in America went even farth. Believe me there is alot I don't know about Indians. With the help of the Internet and other sources I hope to learn more. Hopefully I can use this webpage to share what I learn with everyone.

Thanks for taking the time to look at my webpage. I hope you learned something new about Indians. I'd appreciate any information you would like to share about Indians and also any new topics you would like to see posted.

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