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Glasshouse 100 – INFORMATION SHEET - Sat/Sun , Sept 8/9, 2007

( Indigenous persons took long journeys around this area which was a meeting place )

Dear Entrant _________________ Race No _________ BBQ Extras ____________

Please bring this sheet with you when you pick up your Race Number

Thank you for your entry into the Glasshouse 100.Please note the following points:

(a) Course and Start Times

100 Mile: Start 5.30am Sat - 2 – 1a – 2 - 2a – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 8 – 8a – 8 - 8 b - 8 – 7– 6 – 6a – 5 – 1a – 2 – 1a - 9 – 9a – 9 – 10 – 10 – 10 – 9 – 9a - 9 – 1a - 2

100 km: Start 5.30am Sat- 2 – 1a – 2 – 2a – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 8 – 8a -8 – 8b – 8 – 7 – 6 – 6a – 5 – 1a - 2

( 100 LIMIT on Saturday and 300 LIMIT on Sunday )

30 km: Start 6.30am Sun – S(4) - 5a - 6 – 6a – 5 – 4a – 1a – 2 ( 29.0 )

12 km: Start 8.30am Sun – S(4) – 4a – 1a - 2 ( 12.3 )

( Competitors in 12 and 30 km are taken by bus from Beerburrum State School (2 ) to START , therefore you should pick up your Race Number at least 30 minutes before start time.)


100 MILE – West & 100 k

100 MILE - East

30 km

12 km

2 ( 4.0 ) 1a 4.0

2 ( 4.0 ) 1a 106.1

4 ( 7.4 ) 6 7.4

4 ( 8.1 ) 1a 8.1

1a ( 4.0 ) 2 8.0

1a ( 9.9 ) 9 116.0

6 ( 10.2 ) 5 17.6

1a ( 4.2 ) 2 12.3

2 ( 1.8 ) 2a 9.8

9 ( 0.75 ) 9a 116.75

5 ( 7.2 ) 1a 24.8

2a ( 6.6 ) 3 16.4

9a ( 0.75 ) 9 117.5

1a ( 4.2 ) 2 29.0

3 ( 6.1 ) 4 22.5

9 ( 4.5 ) 10 122.0

4 ( 6.5 ) 5 29.0

10 ( 10.4 ) 10 E 132.4

5 ( 5.6 ) 6 34.6

10 ( 9.0 ) 10 W 141.4

6 ( 10.7 ) 8 45.3

10 ( 4.5 ) 9 145.9

8-a ( 10.8 ) 8 56.1

9 ( .75 ) 9a 146.65

8-b (8.0 ) 8 64.1

9a ( .75 ) 9 147.4

8 ( 8.4 ) 7 72.5

9 ( 9.9 ) 1a 157.3

7 ( 8.2 ) 6 80.7

1a ( 4.2 ) 2 161.5

6 ( 10.2 ) 5 90.9

5 ( 7.2 ) 1a 98.1

1a ( 4.0 ) 2 102 .1



W -water only : S - simple foods and fluid ( electrolyte , coke , sweets , fruit ) : F – extra food and fluid ( tea , coffee , soup , sandwiches ) : M – weight check

2 ( Base ) W,F 4.00am Sat - noon Sun ( 100 milers out to 9 by 1.00am Sun )

1a W 5.30 – 6.30am Sat

W,S 2pm Sat – 11am Sun

3 W,S 6.30 – 8.00am Sat

4 W,S 6.00 – 9.00am Sat

5 W,F,M 7.30am – 10.30pm Sat

W,S 6.30am – 10.30am Sun

6 W,F 8.00am – 11.30 am and 1.30 - 9.00pm Sat

W,S 7.00am – 9.30am Sun

7 W,F 1.30 – 7.30pm Sat

8 W,F,M 9.00am – 5.30pm Sat

9 W,F 5.30pm Sat –9.30am Sun ( 3.30am out to 10 for 100 milers )

10 W,F, M 6.00pm Sat – 8.30am Sun

(c) MEDICAL – 100 mile and 100 km COMPETITORS to have weight , pulse and blood pressure recorded on their race number in the hour preceding the start time and weight will be checked at distances underlined at CHECKPOINTS 5 , 8 , 2 and 10. Ultra competitors to hand in Medical and Qualification Form when they pick up Race Number or post it in prior to the event. In a medical emergency an ambulance would be called from nearby Beerwah ( less than 10 km ) and any costs to be borne by competitor ( ambulance free in Qld ).

(d) DROP BAGS -Competitors in the ultra events on SATURDAY may have Drop Bags delivered to Checkpoints 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 and 1a provided they are clearly labelled and handed in by 6.00am Saturday , 8th September. They will be picked up after the last runner has gone through and delivered back to 2 ( Beerburrum State School ). The onus is on the entrant or his crew to see they are collected by 1pm Sunday.

Glasshouse 100 Information Sheet ( cont )

( e ) PROGRAM for GLASSHOUSE 100 – 2006 ( Based at Beerburrum State School )

Friday 7TH 4 – 8pm Number Pick Up and Medical for ULTRA competitors.

Pasta meal 6-8pm. ( Included in race costs for ultra runners but family and friends can participate if they pay $10 on the night ). Race Briefing for ultra runners – compulsory for 100 MILERS.

Saturday 8TH 4 – 6am Number Pick Up , Medical , Drop Bags for ULTRA competitors.

100 mile and 100 km start 5.30am . Coffee, tea, toast and cereal available for competitors and helpers.

Sunday 9TH 5 – 8am Number Pick Up for shorter runs .

30km starts 6.30am and 12km at 8.30am.

Competitors bussed to Start 30 minutes before start time.( Lookout for 30km and Checkpoint 4 for 12km )

9 – 12noon BBQ for competitors and others present. 12 noon PRESENTATIONS

( f ) Race Numbers and tickets for extras at the BBQ can be collected on race day or Friday between 4 – 8pm for ultra events

( g ) COURSE MARKINGS will be white flagging tape in trees , red arrows taped to trees and dolomite arrows on the ground. Stay ALERT for these markings at all times. Night time is particularly difficult for 100 milers.

( h ) CAUTION - In a few areas competitors may need to cross gazetted roads or follow them for short distances. Care should be taken even though most of these roads have minimal traffic. Also there are sometimes illegal trail bike riders in a few areas. You will hear them coming so give them a wide berth.

( i ) CREW of ultra competitors only should travel only on gazetted roads to access competitors at established checkpoints only. They should not travel on forestry roads or attend to runners between established checkpoints. They should make themselves familiar with the area beforehand and not rely on Race Officials to show them the way to checkpoints. It may be necessary to travel on forestry roads to access Checkpoints 7, 8 and particularly 10 , thus any runner with crew will need to get them to complete the Permit to Traverse form ( limited number available ). NO RUNNER MAY HAVE MORE THAN ONE CREW VEHICLE.

( j ) ALL COMPETITORS MUST CARRY AT LEAST ONE WATER BOTTLE . These may be refilled at checkpoints. No cups of water will be put out at checkpoints. Ultra competitors may need more than one water bottle on some of the longer sections if it is hot weather. Failure to start and finish with a water bottle may result in disqualification.

( k ) Do not LITTER the course. Anything taken from a checkpoint should be carried to the next one if you wish to discard it.

( l ) Make sure your number is crossed off at all manned checkpoints and recorded at the finish before you collect your finishers mug.

m) More comprehensive information on trail running in general and Glass House Trail Events can be obtained from the website / ( old site ) ( ultra runners should check this site carefully )or from links to this website such as or ( new site ) Results and some photos will go on these websites as soon as possible after the event.

NB 100 MILERS Cut off times will be strictly observed. If officials at checkpoints deem that runners still to arrive cannot make the cut off time then the checkpoint may be closed down after consultation with the Race Director. Any competitor still to arrive will then be picked up and returned to base.

There will be random spot checks to ensure that all ultra runners have not missed sections of the course. If they do make a mistake then they must return to the point of their error and do the correct course or disqualification will ensue.

Race Director - Ian Javes