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INFORMATION SHEET – Flinders Tour - Beerburrum

( Matthew FLINDERS Day – July 28 , 2007 )

Dear Entrant ___________________________ Race Number _________ BBQ Extras ________

Thank you for your entry into the Beerburrum Trail Event. Please note the following points:

a)Race Numbers and tickets for extras at the BBQ can be collected on Race Day from 5am.

b)All competitors must carry a water bottle. ( There have been times in the past when runners have taken the wrong course and travelled further than the advertised distance and there will not be cups of water at checkpoints to avoid littering. You will be able to refill water bottles however. Failure to start and finish with a water bottle may result in disqualification. )

c)If competitors in the 50 km only require special foods or drinks to be taken to Checkpoints 4 or 1a only then these should be clearly labelled and handed in at least 15 minutes before race start ( ie. By 5.45am ).

d)Crew of 50 km competitors only are allowed to travel to 4 and 4a which are on gazetted roads. Official vehicles only on forestry roads.

e)Mugs will be collected at the finish after you have recorded your finish number at administration. Random Draws will be displayed on a board at the finish.

f)MEDALS will be awarded to first three placegetters as they finish.

g)In a few places competitors will need to cross gazetted roads or follow them for a short distance. Please take care in these areas which will be monitored by officials. Trail bikes may illegally use the trails in some areas so listen for them.

h)COURSE MARKINGS are White Flagging Tape in trees , Red Arrows taped to trees and Dolomite Arrows on the ground . Be alert for these particularly at intersections.

i)ULTRA ENTRANTS should have a completed Medical and Qualification form with them to hand in when they collect their Race Number or they post it in prior to the event. Weight will be checked before the second loop is started. Slower ultra entrant ( more than 7 hours ) may start an hour early but a torch is needed.

j) Beerburrum Trail – Flinder’s Tour : Saturday , July 29 , 2006

( Matthew Flinders was the first European to ascend a Glass House Mt on July 26 , 1799 )

50 km – Start 6.00am : 2 – 3 – 4 – 4a – 1a – 2 and repeat. Start from parking area. TOTAL FIELD

25 km – Start 8.00 am : 2 – 3 – 4 – 4a – 1a – 2 . Start from parking area in front of school. LIMIT 300

8 km – Start 9.00 am : 2 – 1 – 1a – 2 . Start from the car park in front of school.

Directional checkpoints with water , sweets and fruit at 3 , 4 , 4a and 1a.

  1. Checkpoint Distances and Progressive Distances. ( Could vary depending on weather and QPWS or FPQ requirements )




2 ( 8.5 ) 3 8.5

2 ( 5.7 ) 3 5.7

2 ( 4.0 ) 1a 4.0

3 ( 6.1 ) 4 14.6

3 ( 6.1 ) 4 11.8

1a ( 4.0 ) 2 8.0

4 ( 5.1 ) 4a 19.7

4 ( 5.1 ) 4a 16.9

4a ( 3.0 ) 1a 22.7

4a ( 3.0 ) 1a 19.9

1a ( 4.0 ) 2 26.7

1a ( 4.0 ) 2 23.9

Repeat above but 2 – 3 is 5.7km

(no climb up mountain )

Total : 26.7 + 23.9 = 50.6km

l) MATTHEW FLINDERS DAY PROGRAM: ( Beerburrum State School )

IMPORTANT NOTE – PARKING: Since there is limited parking close to the school would trail run competitors and friends use the car park areas marked 1 or in local streets such as Church , Hibiscus , Anzac and Acacia which are shown on the map of Beerburrum Township. Do not park in area 2 in front of the school or the public car park in Parrot Park. It would be best to car pool to limit the number of vehicles.

m) More comprehensive information on trail running in general and Glass House Trail Events can be obtained from the website ( old site )or from links to the website such as or ( new site ) Results and some photos will go on these websites as soon as possible after the event.

Race Director