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Course Description - 100 Miles / 100 km

The 100 mile event will commence at Beerburrum State School and competitors cross the bridge over the railway line and turn left onto to a gravel road which leads to a walking path along the western side of the Glasshouse Mountains Tourist Road as far as Matthew Flinders Park ( Checkpoint 1 ) where a left turn is made under the railway line to lead to Caves Road (gravel ). About one kilometre along this road there is a left turn onto a bush trail ( Checkpoint 1a ) which mainly follows the boundary between farmland and natural vegetation to lead back to Beerburrum State School . Follow the cycle path from the school to the south ( past the Shell service station ) until a dirt road turns to the right off the bitumen bicycle path and takes the competitor halfway up Mt Beerburrum where a concrete path is encountered to take the competitor to the top. This is the steepest part of the course and should be negotiated with care on the way back down. Entrants return from the trip up the mountain and continue to follow the bicycle path ( to the right ) for about a hundred metres where they encounter Beerburrum – Woodford Road. A right turn is taken and this road is followed on the left or the footpath until the houses finish and a forest track leads off to the left. From here forestry roads are followed towards Tunbubudla ( The Twins ) until a T- junction with Old Gympie Road ( near power line ). Turn left into this gravel gazetted road and follow to Checkpoint 3 where there is a gate to the right to take you through some natural vegetation around The Twins to Mc Connell Road ( another gate here ). In this section there is a left turn off the main track which can be missed if you do not watch carefully for course markings.

Turn right onto Mc Connells Road ( a gravel road ) and follow the course markings for a few kilometres where there is a right turn onto a forestry road. As you run this section you should keep the natural vegetation on your right and pine plantations on your left. The forestry roads will lead you to a crossing of Beerburrum – Woodford Road at Checkpoint 4 ( near where the bitumen changes to gravel ). Follow forestry roads on the other side of Beerburrum – Woodford Road which will take you below and around Lookout 589. There is a section of rough eroded track near the end of this (take care here) before you come out onto Lookout – Woodford Road ( gravel ). Turn right and a few hundred metres along this road turn left into Connection Road and Checkpoint 5 is less than half a kilometre away.

After leaving Checkpoint 5 you follow Connection Road to the North West for about a kilometre and the turn left onto a forestry road. After another kilometre this will intersect Lookout – Woodford Road ( gravel ) and a left turn is made. A few hundred metres along this road there is a right turn through a gate ( 5a ) and you are now on a track referred to as the ‘Goat Track’ for obvious reasons. Take care on the steep downhill sections on this track. About 2.5 kms along this track there is a sharp right turn to take you up Hennessey’s Hill. This corner is usually well marked as runners have missed it in the past. The track up Hennessey’s Hill eventually crosses Lookout – Woodford Rd to Checkpoint 6.

This section from 6 to 8 is encountered in a hot part of the day and more than one water bottle may be needed. At Checkpoint 6 turn left and follow the marked tracks through natural vegetation until you come to a T junction with a gravel road. Turn left and follow this to Beerburrum-Woodford Rd where power lines cross. Cross the road and follow under the power lines for about 3 – 4 km. This section is probably the roughest on the course with some steep , eroded uphill and downhill sections. You will eventually go to the right off this track and come to a forestry road. Turn left and follow for about one kilometre and you cross Raaens Rd ( bitumen ) onto McConnells Rd ( gravel ). Follow this road for a kilometre and you are at Checkpoint 8. From this point you will firstly do a loop of 10.8 km to the west followed by a slightly shorter loop to the east after returning to 8. This section is natural vegetation and quite scenic. There are some hilly sections and part is along the old railway track that used to run from Caboolture to Kilcoy through Woodford.

After completing the two loops at 8 return to the north along McConnell Rd and to Raaens Rd ( just over a kilometre ) and turn left on the bitumen for a few hundred metres where a track will go off to the right. Follow forestry roads and trails to reach Checkpoint 7 which will be near B- W Rd where the mango tree is located.. Head north across Beerburrum – Woodford Rd . After crossing this road you will pass through more pine plantations before entering natural vegetation. About a kilometre in you will take a sharp right turn and follow a shaded track through natural vegetation for about 2-3. A turn right ( east ) is made here and the trail will lead you back to where the powerlines cross Beerburrum-Woodford Rd. You will follow the marked tracks back to Checkpoint 6.

At Checkpoint 6 a left turn is taken through pine tree plantations on forestry roads some of which are fairly steep but not rough. Eventually these lead to 6a to the South West of Mt Beerwah. You will pass through a gate and get onto some more rugged tracks through natural vegetation. In the past most runners have considered this to be a tough section of the course. These tracks come out on Connection Road about 1.5 kms to the west of Checkpoint 5. Make a left turn onto Connection Rd.

After leaving Checkpoint 5 you follow Connection Road and turn left to go past the Lookout 589. A few hundred metres down the bitumen road from the Lookout there is a right turn onto a gravel forestry road. You pass through pine tree plantations and across Old Gympie Road ( bitumen ) until you reach the base of Mt Tibberoowuccum ( natural vegetation ). Turn right and follow the tracks keeping the natural vegetation around this mountain on your left. Eventually you will come to a T junction will a gravel road where you will turn right and about half a kilometre along this there is a left turn onto Caves Road( gravel ). This leads you back to Checkpoint 1a and the trails that will take you back to Beerburrum State School . There is a rocky section in here which has been named Hamburger Hill by past competitors in the 100 mile. This is where the 100 km competitors will finish.

For the 100 milers from the school you will now retrace the trail you came in on from 1a past the cemetery and the farmland. At 1a turn right onto Caves Rd to go through Checkpoint 1 at Matthew Flinders Park and continue following the gravel path to the north alongside the road for about 2.5 km before crossing the Glasshouse Mountains Tourist Rd on your right into Moffats Rd ( gravel ) which is followed for a few kilometres before turning right into forestry roads ( pine plantations ) which are followed until you go under the main Highway at Tibrogargan Creek and turn left. This will lead you to the car park at the base of Wild Horse Mountain , Checkpoint 9. You will go to the top of this mountain and return to Checkpoint 9 before departing for Checkpoint 10. This climb will be the only one of significance in this Eastern Section of the course. The forestry tracks through the pine tree plantation ( with some natural vegetation on one side in places ) will take you to Checkpoint 10 about 4.5 km from Wild Horse Mt. Two loops ( an eastern one and a western one will be completed here. From 10 you will retrace the trails to Wild Horse Mountain ( Checkpoint 9 ) and once more go to the top before returning to Matthew Flinders Park ( Checkpoint 1 ) where a right turn is taken under the railway line onto Caves Road to Checkpoint 1a. From here you follow the trails bordering the farmland back to the Beerburrum State School.