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Shooter's Pride Wrestling - The New Force in Pro. Wrestling

Shooter’s Pride Wrestling

{The New Force in Pro. Wrestling}
Direct Aggression

Feedback Info.:


SPW, the new force in professional wrestling, is an upstart company that is founded on two national shows/promotions as well as two indy promotions. Stemming from professional wrestling schools, Delectro School of Professional Wrestling (The DeLectro Plant) and the CWE Conservatory, former IWL Heavyweight Champion Clark Sjarudji realized that after the fall of the International Wrestling League a few months ago, fans were still craving their favorite pastime and there are plenty of wrestlers who would do anything to find work and entertain them. With three national companies in the U.S., two of them under the S.P.W. umbrella and all the veteran and indy stars on the horizon, can this new force take your interest by storm and make professional wrestling the high rated mainstream event it once was from the mid-late nineties?

Board of Authority:

SPW Owner/Madness Promotor: Clark Sjarudji
CWE Promotor: Louis Payne
Direct Aggression Promotors: Bobby and Brent DeLectro
Defiance Promotor: Tommy Parker

Current Champions
World: Anarchy: Tag Team: IWL/SPW Lightweight: IWL/SPW Woman's:
Sonic Pain 'The Tiger' Chris Savage Derek Ignar & Evan Sogomo Frank Apathy Lindsey DeLectro

Shows 1-4, SPW Master of Destiny (show 5), Shows 6-9, SPW Segragation (show 10)