Caption 2001


Caption is a small press convention held in Oxford during August. This years theme was Romance.

This was our first year attending Caption. Please remember that although we tried to be objective, this review is still based on personal experience.

Everything is rated by stars, there are a potential five stars to be being the worst through to five being the best.



QUALITY: Varied greatly. Right across the board.


SELLING POTENTIAL: We sold a few things. Everyone seemed to go straight for the slick colour cover stuff, which proves that even the indie world, appearance is everything.

Guests and Events:

The guests were great. Woodrow Phoenix was there, he's a really nice guy. He did an excellent workshop that was tons of fun. There was a charity auction, and some really funny events too, including the Kochalka puppet theatre who did some wonderful reenactments of Kochalka tunes using cardboard cut-outs.

Out of the things we attended heres our ratings:




LOCATION:We found Oxford to be generally quite pricey.

EVENT: The tickets were cheap and well worth it. The bar at the venue was pretty cheap too.


We didn't know a lot of people there, but the organisers were really helpful and friendly and there was a good atmosphere. We'd recommend this convention to anyone with an interest in small press comics.

Caption Website

David Goodmans Caption journal (it has pictures)

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