In my opinion, the comedy hour never really was about comedy. I thought it was going to be funny. I was terribly wrong. This site is about as funny as a cult killing. Oh well. Life goes on. Its just a damn website. Maybe I'll make something with the taco queen. Something purely funny. The comedy hour will live on without me and we'll see what happens. It was a nice trip, but its over. I'm no longer inspired to write material for this twisted online circus. If its not going to be appreciated, I'll just save it for those of you that know me in person. Its mostly in the delivery anyway. I am not leaving as a result of the addition of Eve. I just feel that I have better things to do with my time than sit around sharing my half-baked "comedy" with the world. I like to make people laugh, and I hope to continue to do that with all of my friends that appreciate it. Thank you to all of my devoted Jesus fans. I may return elsewhere in the future. That is all. Goodnight.

So there you have it - the Jesus & Judas Comedy Hour is no more. this site may arise from the dead as something else... it may become a joint venture with some other biblical figure. it's hard to tell, and only time may do so. there is really nothing left to say besides thank you to the fans. if i had my way, things would still be the same.. but obviously i've never pulled much weight around here anyway. i'm sorry to anyone & everyone that i hurt with a theories entry... that was the main point of them, in case no one ever caught on to that. i loved doing this site because it let me feel acknowledged - made it seem like people actually cared what my thoughts were on certain issues. i find it sort of ironic that i'm writing this farewell to you all today, exactly 5 months from the day i wrote my first theories entry. perhaps it's sort of prophetic,.. i don't know. i've never been too good at that sort of psychoanalytic mumbo jumbo. all i really want to say is, thanks for the great ride... 5 months is a long time in this world.

best wishes to justina white - get better, girl.. don't know what we'd do without you.