Chapter 6 "Are we there yet?" Fate asked, in a tired voice. "Almost no da," Chichiri replied. "Good," Minamida grumbled. Fate hadn't kept her word, and Minamida had to get used to riding fast the hard way, the VERY hard way. 'Dammit, my butt's gonna be numb by the time we make it to Taitsukun's, wherever that may be.' It had been a few days since the last little excitement the travellers have faced, much to their relief. And now, they all had had quite enough of travelling, on horses or whatever else it may be that you would travel by in this world. Chichiri looked behind his shoulder as best he could, only to find Makoto spacing out behind him. She was looking dreamily out at the snow-covered trees. Chichiri smiled then turned back around. Behind him, he could hear Minamida, Willow, and Fate carrying a conversation, which Tasuki took no part of. It was probably because he didn't understand what a "car" and "truck" were. "If I could, I'd be driving my truck right now," Fate commented. "Me too, I want my car right now." Minamida replied. "Yui-chan could drive us too," Miaka added. Tamahome shot Tasuki a puzzled glance. Tasuki shrugged, he had no idea what they were talking about, nor did he particularily care. Tamahome was going to ask Ariana, but she was asleep. 'Oh well, maybe some other time I can ask one of them about it.' Yui glanced ahead of her. They were nearing some mountains, that she could tell. They were quite beautiful, as they were all covered in snow. "This looks like the mountains in that book about Montana I read a couple of weeks ago. They called them the Rocky Mountains, I think." she commented. "They do look like the Rockies, don't they?" Willow agreed. "Well, these aren't the Rock-ee Moun-tens," Chichiri said, struggling over the unfamiliar name, "But I know that this is Mount Taikyoku." Now it was the girl's turn to be confused, "Mount Taikyoku? What's that?" "It's where ol' Taitsukun lives." Tamahome answered. "Oh, so I'm 'ol' Taitsukun' now am I?" Everyone looked behind them as best as possible only to find a hideous old woman floating behind them. Tamahome sweatdropped and converted to a chibi form of himself. "Erk! T-Taitsukun!" The woman formed a half smile then nodded, "Yes Tamahome, it's me. So nice to know you respect your elders and betters." Chichiri turned his horse around so he could face the old woman, "Konnichiwa Taitsukun no da." Taitsukun nodded, "Hello Chichiri." She glared at Makoto, scrutinizing the young woman. "Hmm, since when did you have a girlfriend? And such a scrawny one at that!" Makoto's face turned bright red with anger whilst Chichiri merely blushed then stammered, "S-she's not my girlfriend no da. She's just a friend." "Scrawny?!" Makoto echoed indignantly. Fate just snickered. Tasuki echoed Fate's laughter with some of his own. "Anyway, since you're here, I'm assuming you have some sort of purpose. So for now, let's find some place warmer, shall we?" Taitsukun asked calmly. "Yeah, except, I think 'scrawny' is already quite warm as it is!" Tasuki chortled. Makoto glared at him. Tasuki just smiled innocently. Taitsukun harrumphed, then told everyone to close their eyes. They did, and Taitsukun did some magic.The next thing they knew, they were standing in the middle of a beautiful place that you could never imagine quite right unless you see it yourself. Bubbles, of many different colors floated through the air. The architecture of the buildings surpassed even Konan palace's beauty. (Okay, I know this is not the best description, but I can't even remember what this place looks like any more! Ouch...) "Wow," Fate said, reaching out to touch a blue bubble. It popped, revealing a little girl with teal hair and bright eyes. "Nyan Nyan! Fix fix, heal heal!!" the little girl cried. “Yeek !” Minamida cried. Nyan Nyan turned to her and looked questioningly, “Nyan Nyan Fix?” Minamida said waving her hands quickly. “Er, no, don’t fix. That’s okay, thanks." The Nyan Nyan looked disappointed, but only for a moment. She instantly brightened then turned toward Willow and Fate, and did the same thing to them. “Nyan Nyan fix? Nyan Nyan heal?” Willow replied with a simple no, but Fate added, “Yah, fix Minamida's face!” “What?!” Minamida glared at her friend. Nyan Nyan took this as a chance to fix, fix, and heal, heal as she wanted to do, but couldn’t thanks to Taitsukun. The old woman glared at the Nyan Nyan, then turned to the others, “Ahem. You all may go do as you wish today, but tomorrow, then we’ll get down to business.” Chichiri nodded, “Hai. I understand no da.” Taitsukun nodded, then disappeared. Nyan Nyan followed suit, disappearing along with the old woman. Which means that the others were left to do as they pleased. (Scary...) Tasuki grinned mischievously, "Hey guys, here's an idea. Since it's so snowy out here, why don't we have a snowball fight. All of us against Obake-chan!!" "Hey!" Tamahome growled indignantly, "Don't even think about it Tasuki!" Both men began to get into a staring contest. This commenced for a few minutes, that is, until Willow broke it up by saying: "Wait! How 'bout this, why don't we make a snowman? Those of us who want to can stay outside, while those of us who don't can go inside and drink coffee or something." "Yuck!" Fate exclaimed, "I hate coffee!" "Coffee is good," Ariana retorted. "Is not!" "Is too!" "Is not!" "Is too!" "Is not!" "Is too!" This arguement proceded on in this fashion until finally, Minamida got sick of it, stuck her fingers in her mouth, then whistled. That got everyone's attention long enough for her to take her chance to speak. "Hey! Shut up for a minute and listen to me!!" When she got everyone looking at her, she smiled prettily and continued. "Thank you. Anyway, I think that Willow's idea is a great one. So, whoever wants to build a snowman can stay out here, and whoever wants to go inside where it's warm can go do that now." "I'm goin' inside," Tasuki declared. "Outside for us," Ariana said. Minamida nodded her agreement. "I wanna go inside. I think I'm catching cold," Miaka said. As if to prove her point, she sneezed. "Achoo!! See?" Yui shook her head, exasperated. "I'll go inside. I'm going to see if there's a good book I can read somewhere around here." "That's a good idea," Willow agreed. She flipped her long hair over her shoulder, then declared, "I'm going to go inside. It's too cold out here." Fate glanced over her shoulder, then turned back to her friends. "I'm smart, I'm goin' in where it's warm." Makoto grinned mischievously, "Ne, Tama-chan, what about you? Are you gonna stay inside or out?" Tamahome shot her a dirty glare, "Don't call me Tama-chan!!" "Okay then, fine. Tama-neko-chan." "Eeergh!!" "I'll take that as a yes!" Makoto shrieked as Tamahome began to chase her. She ran behind Ariana. " 'Riana-chan!! Help!!" Ariana shrugged nonchalantly, "Can't help you, Mako-chan. You pissed him off." Makoto shot Ariana a look of pure murder then kept on running, in an attempt to run away from the mad man. Everyone else laughed, then turned to go their seperate ways. Ariana, Minamida, and Chichiri, who had decided to stay outside, went over to a spot where the snow was untouched by human feet. Fate, Willow, and Tasuki went inside. Once Tamahome had calmed down, he joined the others in the snowman making. So did Makoto, but she made sure to stay away from Tamahome for a while. You never know how long a guy's temper will last. Or a girls, for that matter.