Chapter 5 Note: I warn you now, from here on in my stories will have some cussing. Of course, most of it will be from Tasuki, but the other's are a leedle bit pottymouthed too... Snow was falling heavily and the sun was beginning to set as the Seishi and the girls made their way toward their destination. "We're probably going to stop soon ne, Chichiri?" Fate called out. "Hai," Chichiri replied with a nod. "Good," Minamida muttered, "My ass is so damned sore that I don't think I'll be able to sit for a week!" "You and me both!" Ariana replied. "Aw c'mon guys, admit. It was fun ne?" Fate teased. She had gone easy on Minamida, but tomorrow she wasn't going to be so nice. 'Heh heh heh....gomenasai Mina-chan, but you'll hafta learn someway ne?' An hour later, the group stopped for the night, but the snow didn't. Which made it a little harder as they trudged through the snow on the ground to where some trees sheltered dry ground. After their horses were tethered and given some water, they began to set up camp. Willow and Ariana offered to go get some fire wood. When they returned, they had barely enough wood to start a fire, but that wasn't what bothered the others. When they returned, both Ariana and Willow were pale and looked quite frightened. Miaka and Makoto instantly got up and helped their friends sit down. "What's wrong guys?" "What happened?" Ariana answered shakily, "We saw, a mirror, in the woods. That wasn't the scary part though. But when me and Willow looked into it, we saw a demon peering back at us!" "It was hideous," Willow said, "It had row upon row of sharp teeth, and it had three eyes, and all of them were bloodshot." "Strange no da," Chichiri said. He frowned, thinking. "Where did you girls see this?" Tasuki asked. "Over there," Willow pointed between some trees. Ariana nodded agreement, "Yes, it's over there." "Well then," Tamahome stood up, "Why don't we go check it out. You girls stay here." The girls agreed, so the three Shichi Seishi got up and went to investigate. When they left, Yui wrapped her arms around herself and shivered, "Brr, it's cold out here. They never lit the fire, did they?" "Nope, they didn't." Makoto answered. While the others were conversing, Willow and Ariana were very quiet. But what the other girls didn't notice, was that both Ariana and Willow's eyes were turning a bright shade of red. Both young women stood up and looked directly at the other girls. "We don't think your biggest problem is the fire girls..." Willow hissed. Minamida, Miaka, Yui, Makoto, and Fate's eyes all widened in shock as they looked on at their friends. Ariana and Willow grinned, showing sharp teeth. Suddenly, they attacked, their hands out stretched, claws on each finger. "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" * * * * Tasuki cussed softly under his breath, then spoke louder to his companions, "I don't see no fucking mirror, do you Obake-chan?" "Don't call me Obake-chan!" Tamahome yelled, then, as an afterthought said, "No." Tasuki looked over at Chichiri, "Oi Chichiri, you see anything?" Chichiri shook his head, "Nope na no da." "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" "What was that?" Tamahome asked. "It sounded like the girls!" Chichiri replied. "Well then, what are we waiting for?" Tasuki asked, "Let's go!" Running at full speed, the three Seishi headed in the direction of the scream. * * * * Ariana and Willow smiled wickedly at the five other young women. Miaka whimpered, and hid behind Yui. Makoto gritted her teeth, tensing for the situation. Minamida held up her hands, ready to defend herself as necessary. Fate looked incredulously at her friends, but stood ready to fight. " 'Riana-chan? Willow-chan? Guys, what's wrong with you?" Fate asked. But instead of answering, Ariana lunged toward Fate, arms outstretched. Fate screamed as Ariana's hands went around her neck. Fate held up her hands and tried to pry Ariana's fingers off her, but to no avail. Willow lunged at Makoto, and did the same thing to Makoto as Ariana was doing to Fate. "W-Willow?!" Makoto gasped, "What's going on?" Minamida tried to pry Ariana off of Fate. She tugged with all her might on Ariana's hands, but they wouldn't budge. 'Nani? What's going on? I can't even get her to move an inch!' Minamida thought. "Ariana, please! Let go of her!" Yui was trying to help Makoto. Willow was just like Ariana though, not relenting any. Makoto's glasses were beginning to fall off her face, as she tried to loosen Willow's grip. Willow's eyes were narrowed in concentration. Yui gritted her teeth and as she worked on helping her friend. "Miaka! Get the others! Hyaku!!" Minamida yelled. Miaka nodded and ran off at full speed. She ran as fast as possible, making her way blindly through the rapidly darkening forest. She was suddenly stopped when she ran into something warm and solid. "Oof!" Miaka looked up from her landing spot on the ground, only to find Tasuki, Chichiri, and Tamahome looking at her. "Miaka-chan? What's wrong? Where are the girls?" "This way," Miaka jumped up, pantinig for breath, "Follow me!" When the four reached the camp, they found Willow and Ariana strangling Makoto and Fate, with Yui and Minamida trying to help the latter two. Tamahome ran toward Willow and began to pull the girl off of Makoto by the waist. Tasuki did the same thing to Ariana. Chichiri stood back, studying the girls closely. Tamahome managed to get Willow off of Makoto. Makoto fell back and began coughing, whilst Willow was dragged backward. Willow snarled and lunged at Tamahome. Tamahome ducked, then began fighting back with the girl. Willow began to fight using her claws. Tamahome fought back, in an effort to defend himself. Tasuki gave a huge tug and managed to get Ariana off of Fate. Fate began gasping for breath, and leaned against Yui for support. Ariana shrieked in fury, then turned toward Tasuki. She lunged toward the Seishi, claws bared. Tasuki began to fight her, careful not to use his tessen against the girl. Chichiri caught a glimpse of Ariana's red eyes, which allowed him to realize an important aspect. "Tamahome! Tasuki! Be careful, these girls are possesed! Don't hurt them directly no da!" "Then, what, are, we supposed, to do!" Tasuki yelled as he dodged Ariana's attacks. Chichiri frowned, "I don't know no da..." Yui looked closely at the two possesed girls, "We hafta get those demons out of them!" "But how?" Minamida asked. "I know!" Chichiri yelled, "Tamahome, Tasuki! Get the girls over here! I'll drive out the demons using chi!" Tamahome and Tasuki obliged. They lured the girls over toward the monk, who was building up his chi. As soon as they got close enough, Chichiri let loose with a huge blast of chi. It hit the girls head on, passing through them, taking a black shadow out of each of them. Ariana and Willow's unconscious forms fell to the ground, only to be caught by Tamahome and Tasuki. The shadows hit the tree then slid to the ground. The shadows blended together to form the monster that Willow had described earlier. Chichiri hit the demon with another blast of chi, demolishing it before it could attack. Makoto and Fate, who had recovered, ran over to where Willow and Ariana were being supported by Tasuki and Tamahome. Minamida, Miaka, and Yui followed suit. Chichiri was the last to walk over to them. "Ariana...Willow..." Minamida and Miaka both looked ready to cry. "Don't worry, their just unconscious no da," Chichiri reassured them. "That was weird," Makoto said, readjusting her glasses, "What was that that had them?" "A demon of sorts," Tamahome answered. He looked down at Ariana's sleeping form. "Strange huh, to think that someone so kind could be possessed by such evil so easily." "It's fucking crazy if you ask me," Tasuki said. Fate nodded. Willow opened her eyes slowly, then sat up. "What happened? Ooh, and why do I have such a headache?" As if on cue, Ariana sat up also, "Me too. What's going on guys? The last thing I remember, I was walking in the woods with Willow-chan. Then, everything is blank!" Everyone just shook their heads and grinned. "Dont' worry about it, it's not that important guys," Yui answered, "Let's just say that, it's good that you're back to normal." Both Willow and Ariana looked quite confused as everyone else laughed. Soon, everyone was yawning. So, they set up their bedrolls and finally got their fire going. They set up their bedrolls all around the blazing fire, which Tasuki had started using his tessen, much to Minamida's, Fate's, Willow's, Ariana's and Makoto's amazement. As the group got their much needed rest, the snow slowed down to a gentle sprinkle all through the night.