Chapter 2 Three of the Suzaku Seishi, Tamahome, Chichiri, and Tasuki were in a sitting room along with the emperess of Konan, Houki. They had just heard from Houki about seven visitors...and now they are about to go see those visitors... "...But it looks like we're about to find out..." Tasuki looked quizically at Chichiri, "What do you mean by that?" Chichiri shrugged, "I just figured, that since Yui and Miaka are here, well, that Suzaku has a purpose for us. And I just suppose we'll have to find out what ne no da?" "Yes, that's true," Tamahome agreed, "Cuz, why else would they be in our world?" "True," Houki agreed, "Now, why don't you go see if they're awake?" The three Seishi agreed and left the room, following Houki down the hall to where the Seishi's quarters were. Houki stopped at the door of the largest room in the vicinity, and pointed out to the men that this was where the seven women lay sleeping. Bidding them farewell, Houki went off in search of her son, whom she hadn't seen all day and missed dearly. Tasuki, Chichiri, and Tamahome watched her until she turned 'round the corner, then walked into the room. It was packed with eight beds, only one was empty. In two of the beds were familiar faces, but the others were new to the Seishi. One girl, who had silvery white hair, was lying on her back, her mouth slightly open. On the bed next to her, a girl with black hair lay on her side, her lips curled into a slight grin. Miaka and Yui were next to the black haired girl, and on the other side lay a girl with long purple hair. In the next bed lay another black haired girl, who's mouth was shut in a firm line. In the last bed,a girl with light pink hair lay curled up on her side. Tamahome sat down on the empty bed, "Whoa, that's a lot of unfamiliar faces y'know?" "Che, who needs 'em?" Tasuki scowled as he sat down on a chair. "I wonder why they're all here no da?" Chichiri wondered aloud as he sat down in another chair. "Well, why don't we ask them?" Tamahome suggested sarcastically. He was still a little testy considering his ex-girlfriend/wife was in the same room as he was. "Well, we can't--they're asleep no da," Chichiri replied, totally missing the point. Tamahome just sighed in exasperation. Tasuki glanced at Tamahome, then grinned. "Ne Tama, why ya so down? It can't be because of Miaka, can it?" Tamahome just glared at Tasuki, but said nothing. Tasuki pouted, mad that he got no reaction from his friend. Chichiri was staring intently at the wall, spacing out. "Bor-ring," Tasuki said. Chichiri was about to reply, but was cut off when they heard a moan and the sound of someone stirring. They all looked toward the beds to see the girl with silvery white hair starting to wake up. She sat up, blinking, confusion etched on her features. "Huh? Where am I?" the girl asked. "In the Konan Imperial Palace," Tamahome answered politely. "Oh. I'm assuming this isn't a part of Tokyo, is it?" "Toe kee yo?" Chichiri, Tasuki, and Tamahome each glanced at eachother, repeating the strange word. "Where's that?" Tasuki asked. "It's where I live," the girl replied. "Oh, by the way, I'm Minamida." Tasuki, Tamahome and Chichiri each introduced themselves to Minamida. After the introductions were finished, Minamida looked at each of her friends. "Um, could you guys kinda help my friends wake up, please?" The Seishi agreed and so the four went through the task of waking up the others. Minamida walked by Miaka and Yui, and began to shake each of their shoulders, in an attempt to draw them from their slumbers. Tamahome, Tasuki, and Chichiri each woke up the other girls. After everyone was awake, the introductions began. Ariana, Fate, Makoto, and Willow each introduced themselves. Chichiri, Tamahome, and Tasuki did the same. "It's great to see you guys," Miaka said, a huge grin on her face, "I missed you." "We missed you too no da." Chichiri replied warmly. Tamahome noticed that she was avoiding his gaze. He didn't comment, but just stood there, motionless for the most part. It was up to Chichiri and Tasuki to make the conversation. "Anyway, do you guys even have any clue why we're here?" Miaka asked. "No, we don't." Tasuki replied. "All we know is, that for some flippin' reason you guys are here and we have no idea why." "Well great," Yui said, "So, how do we find out?" "Taitsukun might know," Tamahome said quietly. "Good idea Tamahome no da," Chichiri said. "We can ask Taitsukun." "Um, ano, sorry to be rude but, what exactly is going on? You kinda lost us after the introductions," Willow said. Chichiri frowned,"Da! Gomenasai no da. Actually, what's going on is something we need to find out no da. All we know is that you guys are not in your world no da." "Huh?" Makoto shot the monk a confused look, "What do you mean, we're not in our own world?" "It means exactly as I imply no da," Chichiri replied, "You are in another universe." "Let me clear it up guys," Miaka said. She then began to explain the Universe of the Four Gods, with Yui's help, to the confused girls. "So, we are in a whole 'nother universe?" Ariana asked after Miaka and Yui finished. Her answer was a nod. "Oh." "I wonder," Fate mused, "If Miaka and Yui were Mikos last time they were in here, would they be Mikos now?" "We don't know, but we will find out," Tasuki answered. "Unfortunately, by Taitsukun," Tamahome muttered. Chichiri glanced at Tasuki, then out the window. It was dark, but a light snow was falling outside. "Looks like we should show you to your rooms now no da. I don't think you want to spend the night in here now do you?" All seven of the girls agreed. Tasuki looked into the corner of the room, "Before you go, you might want to get your stuff." As soon as Tasuki said that, seven blurs zoomed past him to get to their belongings. After everyone recieved what was theirs, Chichiri and Tamahome led the way to their rooms. They headed down a boardwalk outside, until they reached a building with many doors. "Miaka, you and Yui are sharing your room, I hope you don't mind no da," Chichiri started, "Willow and Fate are sharing one over there, and Minamida, Ariana, and Makoto are sharing the one next door no da. Goodnight, and see you all in the morning." Chichiri waved and disappeared into his own room. "G'night ya'll." Tasuki vanished behind his own bedroom door. Tamahome nodded, "Good night." He walked pass the girls in order to get to his own room. As he passed Ariana, he shot a glance at her. She was looking at him, but quickly averted her eyes when their gaze met. Tamahome turned his gaze back ahead of him as he headed to his own room. Soon, he too disappeared behind a door. Miaka and Yui both slipped into their room leaving their goodnight's at the door. Willow and Fate stepped into their room, whilst Makoto, Ariana, and Minamida all went into the room they were sharing. Since they were all quite tired, all seven of the girls all went to the land of dreams as soon as they lay on their beds. Overhead, the stars twinkled peacefully as the snow drifted down from the heavens.