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Tibetan Photos

Tibet 1994


City View
Praying Rock
More Houses
Chinese Yak
Chinese Officer
Jonkong Square
City Scene
Lhasa River1
Lhasa River2
Lhasa River3
Potala From Jonkong
Sunrise over Lhasa
Potala Palace
Potala Palace
Potala Palace
Potala Palace
Potala Palace

Natural Things

Barley Field
Barley Fields2
More Barley
Barley Wheel
View into Nepal
Milarepas Cave
Mt.ShisPogma (26,000+ feet!!)
PoChu Gorge
PoChu Gorge
To Gyatse
To Gyatse
To Gyatse
To Gyatse
To Gyatse
To Gyatse
To Gyatse
To Gyatse
To Pang La
Random Valley


Destroyed Monastery
Drigung Mon1
Drigung Mon2
Drigung Mon3
Drigung Mon4
Drigung Mon5
Drigung Mon6
Retting Nunnery
Retting Nunnery2
Retting Mon1
Retting Mon2
Retting Mon3
Retting Mon4
Retting Mon5
Retting Mon6
Retting Mon7
Retting Mon8
Rongbok Monastery (highest monastery in the world at 17,000 ft.)
Rongbok Monastery2
Tendron Nunnery
Tendron Nunnery2
Tendron Nunnery3
Tendron nunnery4

Misc Stuff

Chinese Compound
Chinese Compound
Customs Checkpoint
Damxumg (Chinese made town)
Near Tingri
Toward Mt.Everest
Toward Mt.Everest (rongbok mon.)

Sky Burial

Flying Vultures
Sky Burial

Lake Nam Tso
Located in Central Tibet, Lake Nam Tso is amoung the highest Lakes in the world with an elevation of 15,000 feet. Some 30 miles long and 5-10 wide, this lake would be a popular vacationing spot, assuming that most do not become very sick or die from the altitude.

Lake Nam Tso
Lake Nam Tso2
Lake Nam Tso3
Lake Nam Tso4
Lake nam Tso5
Lake Nam Tso6
Lake Nam Tso7
Lake Nam Tso8
Lake nam Tso9