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Life is full of ups and downs...
wherever we may go.
Friends are friends until the end...
and this we truly know.

We ban together like a pride...
as a family, we are one.
We vow respect to one and all...
until the day is done.

We try to learn from our mistakes...
and teach what we have learned.
Friends are found most everyday...
but respect is surely earned.

When the rude and crude appear...
do not take it to heart.
Simply show your kindness...
cause that is where it starts.

~~written by Tiger_Phrogg~~

I am really impressed. As the TIGER staff has really outdone themselves. I applaud you. Thank you for your time and dedication to helping this family grow to what it is. When I first met the tigers I was number 44. I sat with Tale and Lady43 and got my butt kicked! We played a couple of games and she invited me to join the Tigers. I advised her that I was not into the club thing. Whewwwww...was that the wrong thing to say. She was very quick to let me know that this was NOT a "club" - it was a family. Well I said to my self,"Self - anyone with the tenacity she displays is worth checking out!" No, not her personally, the Tigers, but.... well that is another story, anyway, so I went created my nic and the rest speaks for itself, I am still here. Thank you Tale, Joy, Lady43 and Strike for developing a very unique family, and thanks to the rest of the staff for keeping it together and for having the courage to keep it going.

This poem is dedicated to the Tigers Second Anniversary upcoming in March 2001!

As the Year Slips on By

Slowly and gently the year slips us by,
And our family grows larger, much to our surprize.
We all grow closer with each passing day,
As goodwill's as vast, as a calm inland bay.

We all love to hang out and play on the Zone,
With all of us Tigers, we now have a home.
Our nature is good and our spirit is strong,
Believe it our not we're always logged on.

Someone is there most all of the day,
And into the night,in much the same way.
We all share our friendship with one and all,
And happy to help, if ever we're called.

So may the times be good,
and the bad times go by,
Happy spading to all,
as the next year passes by!

~~written by Tiger_Phrogg~~


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