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Welcome to Amazing Avatars...

The painters and I are here to serve you our customer.
All we ask in return is respest and patience.
We have few rules here so we kindly ask you to follow them.


1) Please do not IM the painters. The Program
they use dose not let them see it therefore
your Im's will not be answered.
If u have a question or concern ask our Listkeepers
they know how to get a hold of our painters
while thery are working.

2) Please only mega when called upon.

3) If u need an avatar painted please ask our
listkeepers first before you ask a painter.
This is the best way to keep list and is faster.

Thank You Management...

Welcome To Our 2 New Painters!
FiRe and Ice !!!!
Partners In Crime And In Love hehehe


We are now adding Megas to our Page!
I try to add them as fast as i can so,
pleace come back often....Angel