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Yankee Way Kindergarten

Located on Mucha Road in Taipei, Taiwan

Currently, we can be contacted at the following numbers:

Phone (02) 2937-9933
FAX (02) 2937-6633

Ask about the "Yankee Way Kindergarten"
from a White Horse English Development Center representative
or ask for Amy or Nini (in Chinese)
or Nate or Nini (in English)

We apologize for the simplicity of our current website at present.
We're currently in the process of creating something much nicer.
Thank you for your patience.

We will be opening the doors of our new kindergarten in mid-September.
If you would like further information on how to be a teacher at our Kindergarten,
please contact us at the numbers above.

Thank You,
Nate Bennett
Education Director/Manager

Also, please go to see White Horse English Development Center: