Burroughs' Tape Recorder Webring
"A tape recorder is an externalized section of the human nervous system."
--William S. Burroughs, The Ticket that Exploded
The Tape Recorder is a webring intended to link together any sites dealing with experimental poetry, writing, music, or art sites, and/or anything dealing with William Burroughs or Brion Gysin. Also, any sites dealing with the dreamachine, sound poetry, tape recorder experiments (DUH!). If you have a site you think would fit into this webring, please submit your site for inclusion.
If you have any questions or comments, I would be glad to hear from you and I will answer ASAP. Now, please move on to:
The T.R. Webring is part of my Garden Of Delights cutup site, and I also run a Yahoo! Club called Burroughs' Tape Recorder, which is brand-new and needs members! (hint, hint).
"John Harrison was 28 at the time of his death . . He was fairly well off . . flat in Paddington . . country place . . interested in the occult . . wrote bad poetry . . painted bad pictures . . good at carpentry though . . made his own furniture."
"Did he own a tape recorder?"
"Yes he owned three tape recorders..."