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Tamahome's Corner

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Well Tamahome is just so awesome. He has great looks, he's sweet, knows what to say, a great fighter, cares for other, and is very devoted to his one and only true love Miaka. And that is probably the main reason that I love him, because of his unconditional love to his sweet heart Miaka. So many things has happened to try to separate them, but nothing could make him stop loving her and same goes with her. Tamahome also has great love for hi Family. He would and did anything for them.

Tamahome Alone

Tamahome and Miaka

Tamahome with Others

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Most of the pictures I used were scanned by me from the mangas, artbooks, and cards, but the ones that weren't scanned by me (they have a star next to them) where barrowed from the following sites:

Fushigi Yuugi Archive Has tones of screen caps from all 52 episodes.

Animecity Gallery Has tones of picture from just about every anime show.

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Copyright: 1999, the great Watase Yuu, and all the other awesome creators of Fushigi Yuugi.

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for the enjoyment of the fans of Fushigi Yuugi, I'm not taking credit for the great Works done by Watase Yuu, k.