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Final Fantasy VIII's Corner

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Well, first of all the graphics are unbelievable. The characters look so human now, they lost the anime noses and eyes, but it makes it look very awsome. The beginning FMV by itself is so so cool. The stroy line is not all that great (but it's still good), but the awsome FMVs make up for that by a thousand times. It's by far one of the most well done games in histroy.

This is basicly a gallery to the characters and events in FF8. I have divided the galleries into pairs (for example Squall and Rinoa are in one gallery). The galleries are not really based on the couples of the game (exept in Squall & Rinoa's and Irvine & Selphie's case), since I difenetly don't think Zell and Quistis are a couple, and I put them as one pair. I just couldn't make a gallery for each person because I don't have enough room on the site and I don't have enough pictures of each person.

Well enjoy the pics (*_*)

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