Poems By : RCM
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Poems By : RCM


Foretold Doom,
Impending Gloom.
Most Intense Aggravation
In Utmost Desperation,
Reaching Out for Answers,
Finding only the Disasters.
One Final Destination -
The Only Restoration.
Unbridled Doom,
Spiritual Bloom.

ART WORK BY BEACON: A Candle to Light the Way.


Wherever in life I have been
The tears spill low
Yet none can see them
For my soul will not allow
My eyes to share them

Everyone around me seems
To find what they need
Choosing who is on the team
To perform the wanted deed
They exclude me from this ream

I am so tired of searching
So tired of losing out
So tired of finding that being
Tired is all my life is about
So I have stopped reaching.

Never will I give up love
Not the love that I have
That which is from above
I will always sing my Ave
To creator of love

But as for this earth
I am weary and taken
Only in the new birth
Have I seen the mold shaken?
And revealed, true worth.

Painted Smiles
Mimicked Laughter
Love of bile
Assembly of the cur
All of the vile

The worst are those
Who say they are
Yet they are foes
Sheep's clothing they wear
Hidden arrows and bows.

Help me God
And lift me from strife
Take me from this sod
From this torture of life
I need you my God

Fill me and prepare
This weary soul on earth
Bring me from despair
Through the waters of birth
Thy righteousness I will wear

Based on
Too Late: Frozen

I acknowledge the fight within you
I see the pain lying without around
Can I truly understand pain that you have
Not from here but He can

Fallen, Fallen your master is calling
Follower of the Morning Star
But as the son rises in the eastern sky
He blinds your false light, illuminating shadows.

Too late? Only for the deceived

Watch as your masters lying around you
Reach up to tear you limb from limb
And seek to drown you in a sea
Of your own doubts and fears

Closed your mind and Sealed your Eyes
While there is a life in the world
You cannot see the winter
You feel only what they want
Your Blinded
Your Known
The time is now

This is were I diverge from the path
That was lain before me to you
For this is your time, this your choice
Your power in null, your time is come

Life is there, or do you like death?

The choice is yours I have nothing to do
I only can offer what I have
Look at me! I am free
Look at you, in the bondage of past

Your time is here, time is come
You'll let the time pass?
It's a waste, a lie, an imaginary?
Then why do you fight against it?

If it's a lie, then there is nothing to fight

We have been here since a time ancient
Seek into your skills and find this truth
You hide, but they seek you out
One day they will come and claim you

I have power over them you proclaim
My very whim is their command
That's what they all thought at first
But where are they now.

The Rainbow

Upon a frail mist of stone
There I sat, all alone
Till by chance, or was it so?
I saw it there deep in the snow.

A warmth it gave, a cheery feel
And then it this it did reveal
A stranger sight that ever I'd known
For before my eyes a rainbow now shown

I gathered it up and to my delight
Its spectral colors became quite bright
But the longer I held it the less it glew
And I had no idea what I was to do.

Then I knew in that very moment
That it was I that was its very torment
For I sought to keep it all to myself
And that brought on it weary health

So I threw it to the air with all of my might
That to everyone it could give its light
And in return for this one selfless act
I was blessed greatly by getting it back