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    (KRIS)- I’ve known Kris since senior year of high school. I met her in a class we had together. We just started talking one day and from there on we’ve been talking since. We have been good buddies since high school,and we hang out a lot. We go to the movies, dancing and bowling leagues together. Kris is 5 minutes from my house and the same for me to hers. So I think we will be buddies for long time. And we like to goof around on each other.

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    (TONIA)- What can I say? I really didn’t get to know her till I started bowling in leagues with Kris. That’s how I met her.She is a very friendly person, and funny. She can make you laugh when you don’t even what to laugh. We done quite a few bowling leagues together. We went to high school together senior year. We keep in touch, and we go out and do things movies, bowling, karaoke etc..... I will be buddies with her a long time.

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    (TISH)- Let’s see now, I know Tish from high school also. But I did not really know that well in school. I was later introduced to her from Kris. Tish is a funny person when she want to be.And she is friendly too! She loves bowling just as much as I do even more. I’ve bowled with her in several leagues. And we all have fun together. We all go out to the movies and hang at the mall all that good stuff. I think Tish will be one of my buddies for a long time.

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    (DEBBIE)- I have known Debbie for about 10 years. I knew her from work at Today’s Man. When I first came to the company I was not friends with her, until years later. But after I started to get to know her she was funny, and friendly and we got along good. To this day we still chat and hang out. And also do things together even though we are not at the job any more. We should be friends for a long time I think.

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