Thunderstruck (AC/DC)

(Wonder) (x10)

I was starved, and I needed a midnight snack (Wonder)
Searched the fridge, and I saw there was meat at the back (Wonder)
My eyes bulged, and I thought a sandwich sounds good (Wonder)
And I knew, that I would eat, all that I could (Wonder)

Bagels and buns, sittin' on the shelf
Those stale old buns, don't kid yourself
I need… Wonder bread

Went to this restaurant, went right in it, ordered some lunch
Started with Tex-Mex, yea Tex-Mex, and we had a bunch
Asked for a sandwich, a Rueben, that keeps me well fed
Brought out our food, mine was all screwed
Yeah, yeah, they, they, used Dempster's bread

I start makin' a big scene
Could you take it back please?
Yeah is it too much too ask?
I need Wonder bread, Wonder bread
Yeah yeah yeah, Wonder bread
Yeah , Oh, Wonder bread, yeah

No use baking in the stove
Just buy another loaf

Wonder bread, Wonder bread
Yeah yeah yeah, Wonder bread
Wonder bread, yeah, yeah, yeah

Said yeah, it's so nice, give me a slice
Yeah, it's so nice, I want a slice, or two

Wonder bread, yeah, yeah, yeah,
Wonder bread, Wonder bread, Wonder bread
Whoa baby, baby, Wonder bread
We need Wonder bread, Wonder bread
Wonder bread, Wonder bread, Wonder bread
I love Wonder bread

© 2006 Squirrelbait
Written by Mikey Squirrel

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