We Didn't Start The Fire (Billy Joel)

Carrie Fisher, Threepio, Palpatine and Watto, Bib Fortuna, R2-D2, Millennium Falcon
Zam Wessel, Geonosis, Kenny Baker, Federation, Inner Rim, Outer Rim, Natalie Portman
Rodians, X-Wing, Docking Bay, Alderaan, Lando, Jex Dexter and Shadows of the Empire
Jedi power, Tatooine, Naboo's got a new Queen
Wampa creature, speakin' Bocce, Masters of the Teras Kasi

We didn't start the Star Wars
They were always fighting since George was writing
We didn't start the Star Wars
No we didn't dream them, but we went and seen them

Grand Moff Tarkin, Chewbacca, Blasters and Sebulba
Rancor Keeper, Amidala, pesky Mynocks, Ray Park, Mace Windu, Tusken Raiders, Lama Su
Peter Mayhew, Village of the Ewoks, Ugnaughts, Boss Nass, Jabba's got a great BIG ASS
Kamino Cloners, frozen Han, Liam Neeson, Rebo Band, Greedo, Dagobah, Uncle Owen, Yoda
Princess Leia, Hyperspace, trouble with the Wookie race

Boba Fett, Coruscant, Alec Guinness, Taloraan, Dengar, Qui-Gon Jinn, fall from grace for Anakin
Bail Organa, Sith Lord Maul, blastin' down the Death Star halls
Mos Eisley, bunch o'TIES, Children of the Jedi,
Captain Tarpals, Sarlacc, Mark Hamill, gunner Dack, Bantha poops, Leebo, Hyperdrive's a no-go
Wicket, Too-Onebee, Jar Jar Binks and mother Shmi, Star Destroyer, Ronto, Gungans in a Bongo

Harrison, Bacta, Truce at Bakura, Ackbar, Derlin, Imperial Garrison
Han Solo of Corellia, die-hard Star Wars mania, Porkins, Rebel Dawn, Vader slices Obi-Wan
Taun We, Yavin IV, cruisin' through the Planet's Core
Aunt Beru, Jawas too, Suncrusher and Xizor

David Prowse, Malastare, Star Trek does NOT compare
4-Lom, Blaster shot, Kessel Run, Lobot, Bespin, Nute & Rune, battle on the Forest Moon
Mara Jade, Rebellion, music score by John Williams
Pod Racing, Asteroids, Lightsabers, Battle Droids
Slave 1, Luke of course, mind tricks and the Force
Midi-Chlorians, Rieekan, Ralph McQuarrie, Arden Lyn
Nerf Herder, Shuttle crew, Jango Fett and Count Dooku

We didn't start the Star Wars, they were always fighting since George was writing
We didn't start the Star Wars, but when we are gone it will still play on and on and on,
and on, and on.....
(Repeat Chorus)

© 2006 Squirrelbait
Written by Mikey Squirrel and Jay-D

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