Rocky Mountain Way (Joe Walsh)

Always watched it, Rocky and Bullwinkle, wish it would have lasted
Out to foil, the moose and squirrel, Boris and Natasha

And we all longed to see a rabbit pulled out of his hat… presto!
'Cause the Rocky and Bullwinkle, they always seem to do just that

Well, Sherman and Peabody and the Wayback machine
They're traveling back through time
Fractured fairy tales

Dudley Do-Right of the Mounties is always seen
Chasing that Snidely Whiplash slime
Time for Mr. Know-It-All

And you don't need to say, this show is crazy, I already know.. oh yea
Rocky and Bullwinkle has always been my favorite show
Yea, yea, yea

© 2006 Squirrelbait
Written by Mikey Squirrel

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