Purple Haze (Jimi Hendrix)

Happy Days, on my T.V.
Richie, Ralph, and that nerd Potsie
Arnold's was their favorite hangout pit
'Scuze me while I sit on it

Happy Days, my favorite show
Fonzie is the coolest guy I know
Leather jacket and a motorbike
Pinky Tuscadero was the cool chick he liked

Mr. C… Mrs. C… aaaay

Yeah, Happy Days, back in the sixties
Hangin' out with Joanie and Chachie
Laverne and Shirley, and the Cunninghams
Don't forget Al, and the rest of the clan

Aaaay, cool… aaaay, whoa!

© 2006 Squirrelbait
Written by Mikey Squirrel

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