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Thompson Assignment

The beauty of the wolf is its howl!

My Opinion of Wolves

The wolf is an incredible, yet mysterious creature. It lurks in the shadows of forests in groups known as "packs". In opinion, my all-time favorite is the white wolf. In the winter time, it blends in with it's environment and easily can catch it's prey. However, even though it is quite the beauty, the white wolf can have the disadvantage of being seen in the daytime...not in winter seasons. I believe I am characterized as a wolf, because in some ways we are alike. Both of us are stealth-like, and tend to be quiet around others not like us. However, if you get on either of our bad sides, we become over-protective!

Grey wolf

There are many different shades of wolves. They include:

Favorite Wolf Survey


Monica Black wolf
Anyelo Black wolf
Shiara Blue-grey wolf
Kiana Blue-grey wolf
Lynn blue-grey wolf
Mickey white wolf

As you can see the Blue-grey Wolf is the most popular amongst my friends. Everyone has their own reasons as to why though. Mainly, the beautiful coat of the wolf.

Wolf Sites to visit.
White Wolves Black Wolves Wolf Info.

White wolf puppies!

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