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[Guestbook by TheGuestBook.com]
MEMBERS Web Sites(MW) & Useful Links(UL)
Alakazam Magic Shop (MW)
Miki the Clowns Web Site (MW)
The Card Collection (MW)
Marks Magic (MW)
Etienne Pradier (MW)
Repro Magic (UL)
Magic Week (Magics Wots On) (UL)
Regemental (MW)
The Medway Magic Club(affiliated) (UL)
Miki Travis (MW)
Kent Magicians Guild(affiliated)(UL)
Ettiene Pradier(lecture)
Martin Sanderson(lecture)
Martin Sanderson(lecture)
Marck Oberon(lecture)
Dirk Losander(lecture)
David Stone (lecture)
Jon Armstrong (lecture)
Mark Shortland (lecture
Map to Diner
More Detailed Map
Tony Binarelli (lecture)
Dave Allen (lecture)