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||| FIRST DAY ||| BIO ||| PICS ||| FACTS |||

Welcome to the official website of the one and only Mr. Highlite Dave Banks. The place where fans can meet and greet the man himself. The Highlite truly appreciates his fan base and encourages all his fans to attend local independent shows. Odds are, he will be coming to one near you quite soon. So sit back, relax and enjoy the page, send Dave an email or sign the guestbook. But whatever you do, don't be silent.

The career of Mr. Highlite began in July of 2004 under the guidance of Bonez the Cutthroat as seen in the picture above. Since that time he has been trained by such indie stars as The Baddboy and Special Effex. After much anticipation, on May 13 (Yes, Friday the 13th), Mr. Highlite made his debut in Regional Championship Wrestling at Oak Ridge High School against Aaron Epic and Mark Stephens.

His opponents include Barney Rumble, Aaron Epic, Mark Stevens (formerly Scott Hotshot), El Macho, Snow, Baddboy and Devious Danny.

For booking info email Highlite at or call (407) 344-9194

Promotion Links

NWA heatwave
Turning Up The Heat
New Revolution Wrestling
No Name Wrestling
Southern Championship Wrestling
Sunray Pro Wrestling
Ring Gear

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