A Snowflake for Your Thoughts

Heyes stared out of the hotel window at the street below or at least what had been the street two days before. Now it lay hidden under ten inches of crisp white snow. And it was still falling. He turned from the window. "Kid, who's idea was it to go north instead of south?"

Curry looked up from cleaning his gun for the fifteenth time. It was all he had to keep him occupied. "I believe that was yours."

Heyes approached him. "I was afraid of that. Stupid idea and I can't blame you for it." Curry gave him a sly grin. "Well, look at it this way, next time you tell me I had a stupid idea I'll have something to throw up in your face."

This good natured bantering between friends had been going off and on since they had become snowbound three days before. The direction took a serious turn however when Curry said, "Heyes, I've been thinking..."

Heyes snickered. "Now that's gotten us into trouble more than once."

Instead of taking Heyes' bait he said, "No really. After we get our amnesty will we still hang around together?"

"Why do you ask?"

Curry set his gun aside. "It's something I've thought about before. Just never mentioned it. Do you think we'll still be friends?"

Heyes folded his arms. "Kid, I think I'm insulted."

Curry was surprised. "Insulted?"

Heyes let his arms fall back to his sides. "Yeah. Insulted. You think our predicament is the only reason I have you as a friend."

"I didn't say that." He thought a moment. "What I meant was are we going to be so tired of each other that we just say 'adios' and go our separate ways."

Heyes sat on the bed beside him. "Nah. We'll probably have farms right next to each other. Our families getting together for Sunday dinners..."

"Our families?"

Heyes placed a hand on Curry's shoulder. "Yeah. Follow me on this. You and your wife will come over to my house and..."

Curry gave him a look. "Heyes, we don't even have the amnesty yet and you've got me married?"

Heyes grinned. "Don't worry, Kid, she's a nice girl. I haven't even mentioned your kids yet."


Heyes nodded. "Yeah I figured you'll have three."


"Sure. One of each," Heyes said jokingly.

Curry rolled his eyes. "Man, you're a little weird sometimes. Did I ever mention that?" "All the time." His story was not going to be phased. "Anyway, I figure your wife and mine will fix a big Sunday dinner- chicken and dumplings, apple pie..."

Curry stood up quickly. "Heyes, all you're doing is reminding me that I'm hungry."

Heyes rose. "Okay, okay. You want serious..." He dropped an arm across his partner's shoulder. "It's complaints like that... about being hungry... I'd miss that. Truth is Kid, I'm so used to having you around I probably wouldn't know what to do without you."

Curry smiled shyly. "Same here."

Heyes wrinkled his brow. "Kid, what made you ask a thing like that anyway?"

Curry shrugged. "Oh, just being trapped in here. We were already on each other's nerves...more so than usual."

Heyes pursed his lips. "Well, I suppose I'd rather have you getting on my nerves than anyone else."

Curry laughed.

"What's so funny?"

Curry laid a hand on Heyes' shoulder. "Now I have two things I can throw up in your face."


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