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Legal Disclaimer!

This page is intended for viewing by those of legal age by laws of the state
in which they reside. If you are not of legal age, please click the "back" button
on your browser now!
If, however, you are of legal age please continue with your viewing,
and enjoy yourself!

Hello! Welcome to my little spot on the web! I have constructed a
few pages with various information about myself, a few pics for the ladies
to drool over, and some links that I think you might like to checkout.

Be forewarned, some of the pics I have posted here contain nudity
and may be objectionable to some viewers. If, in fact, you are offended
by nudity, you do not need to be here.. so get the fuck out!!
(Bluntly put, but very effective!)

Finally, I have added new pics! About time, huh? Hope you enjoy!

Click "New Photos" to see them!

My little contribution to the crisis in the U.S.!
Click the Ribbon!

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A Little About Myself.

I am a 33 years of age white male from the state of Mississippi.
I enjoy many hobbies.. Hunting, fishing, internet,
webcams, photography and video. When on the internet,
you can usually find me on
chatting with my friends in my room "ThunderStruck",
or on Yahoo messenger.

I am an avid picture trader with the sexy women on paltalk..
gotta love those pics!!! Soooo, if you are viewing this page feel free to click
the e-mail link at the bottom of the page and send me a pic
or two of yourself and enclose an e-mail address so I can thank you for the pic.
I have added a guestbook to this page, and would like to ask you to sign it,
tell me what you think of my site and any other things
you would like for me to know!

Click the buttons below to browse the site.
Please sign the guestbook before leaving..... Thanks!!!

Visit the Illusion section of my site!
Lots of cool images with Java applets for cool effects!!

A little fun with javascript.
Checkout the orgasm download!

Visit the links below to see the sexy women who have allowed me to enhance
their pictures and place them on my website. If you are a sexy woman
viewing this page right now and have any pictures
you would like enhanced, contact me.

I have taken the time to add a page containing the information
about my room on Paltalk, and have added pics and a little
information about my friends who come there to be insane with me.
Click the link below to access the pics and info.

My Paltalk Room

To contact me feel free to send me an e-mail!
Or, contact me via instant message.
Yahoo Messenger

MSN Messenger

AOL/AIM Messenger


Enter recipient's e-mail:

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