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Poet's Enclave

Poems by Jeanne Robinson

Incite Insight

The pulse of life,
The tidal seas,
The song is carried on the breeze.
The all that is
Calls out my name;
Instant change.
I look the same
But something's different,
It's plain to see.
My soul is free,
Like water breaking through a dam,
Understanding who I am.
Wait a minute...
Can it be?
The miracle of love
Is me!

image courtesy of Techno-Impressionist Museum

Dark Moment

My mind is a void
An empty, black vacuum
Of anti-thoughts,
Useless, trivial jargon
Like a dictionary
In a blender,
A whirling mass
With no substance.
Trying to corral
This swirling vortex
Of nouns, adjectives and verbs,
Reminds me of a leaky lifeboat
In a whirlpool
Of ambiguity

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